Allows to manage your cache hosts via the CLI. You can add for instance Varnish servers and remove them again in the configuration.
I believe this package is stable. Yet I want to warn you about using it in production:
- It has not been used intensively by the community
- Magento core changes often - I cannot guarenty this package will work on the next update.
- Make sure you have the correct backups of your configurations.
When you are in need of a tool like this, I assume you have somewhat decent knowledge the make the right calls ;)
Because the default CLI setting (config:set --http-cache-hosts)
is not usefull.
The config:set commands overrides all your hosts. Imagine a dynamic setup where you add a new server. The configuration (env.php) is shared via
a NFS (or whatever volume). You must know all hosts if you want to add your new host.
With this manager you can simply do bin/magento cachehosts:add {currenthost}
and it will append the server, rather than overriding all your servers
I'm a DevOps engineer for a full service digital agency in the Netherlands. When possible I try to create opensource scripts / extentions and tools. If you appriciate my work, please be so kind to donate so I can keep drinking beer.
There are 2 commands:
bin/magento cachehosts:add
bin/magento cachehosts:remove
Arguments are the host(s), comma seperated
// Using default port
bin/magento cachehosts:add
// Adding multiple hosts
bin/magento cachehosts:add,
// Adding with port
bin/magento cachehosts:add
// Using default port
bin/magento cachehosts:remove
// Removing multiple hosts
bin/magento cachehosts:remove,
// Removing with port
bin/magento cachehosts:remove
Mixing up
bin/magento cachehosts:remove,
It is ok to have the same host on different ports.
composer require webfixit/cachehostsmanager