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Try to fix deserialization of runner types #142

Try to fix deserialization of runner types

Try to fix deserialization of runner types #142

Workflow file for this run

name: CI Build
on: [push, pull_request]
# TODO: See if this job can be turned into a reusable component
name: Setup Build Matrix
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# runs-on-names:
# - ${{
# vars.CODEBUILD_PROJECT_NAME && [ windows, macos, ubuntu, al2-intel, al2-arm ] || [ windows, macos, ubuntu ]
# }}
# value:
# - use-codebuild-runners: true
# runs-on-names: [ windows, macos, ubuntu, al2-intel, al2-arm ]
# - use-codebuild-runners: false
# runs-on-names: [ windows, macos, ubuntu ]
# exclude:
# - value:
# use-codebuild-runners: ${{ vars.CODEBUILD_PROJECT_NAME == '' }}
# We're using a matrix with a single entry so that we can define some config as YAML rather than
# having to write escaped json in a string
- use-codebuild: ${{ vars.CODEBUILD_PROJECT_NAME == '' }}
runs-on-names-cb: [ windows, macos, ubuntu, al2-intel, al2-arm ]
runs-on-names: [ windows, macos, ubuntu ]
# runs-on-versions:
runners: ${{ matrix.use-codebuild && toJSON(matrix.runs-on-names-cb) || toJSON(matrix.runs-on-names) }}
windows: windows-latest
macos: macos-latest
ubuntu: ubuntu-latest
al2-intel: "codebuild-${{ vars.CODEBUILD_PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}-al2-5.0-large"
al2-arm: "codebuild-${{ vars.CODEBUILD_PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}-arm-3.0-large"
# runs-on-versions: ${{ toJSON(matrix.runs-on-versions) }}
- run: (:)
if: false
# steps:
# - name: Pass
# id: setup-runners
# env:
# CODEBUILD_PREFIX: ${{format('codebuild-{0}-{1}-{2}', vars.CODEBUILD_PROJECT_NAME, github.run_id, github.run_attempt)}}
# run: |
# echo "matrix={\"include\":[{\"project\":\"foo\",\"config\":\"Debug\"},{\"project\":\"bar\",\"config\":\"Release\"}]}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
name: Build and Test
needs: setup
runner: ${{ fromJSON(needs.setup.outputs.runners) }}
# os: ${{ vars.USE_CODEBUILD_RUNNERS && fromJSON(env.os_with_codebuild) || fromJSON(env.os_without_codebuild) }}
# build and test for different and interesting crate features
features: [ 'default', 'all', 'experimental-ion-hash', 'experimental' ]
runs-on: ${{ needs.setup.outputs[matrix.runner] }}
# runs-on: ${{ format(matrix.os, format('codebuild-ion-rust-{0}-{1}', github.run_id, github.run_attempt)) }}
# We want to run on external PRs, but not on internal ones as push automatically builds
# H/T:
if: github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name != 'amazon-ion/ion-rust'
checks: write
- name: Install Dependencies
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: choco install llvm -y
- name: Git Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: recursive
- name: Rust Toolchain
uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
profile: minimal
toolchain: stable
components: rustfmt, clippy
override: true
- name: Cargo Test (default/no features)
if: matrix.features == 'default'
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: test
args: --verbose --workspace
- name: Cargo Test (all features)
if: matrix.features == 'all'
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: test
args: --verbose --workspace --all-features
- name: Cargo Test (specific feature)
if: matrix.features != 'default' && matrix.features != 'all'
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: test
args: --verbose --workspace --features "${{ matrix.features }}"
- name: Rustfmt Check
# We really only need to run this once--ubuntu/all features mode is as good as any
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' && matrix.features == 'all'
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: fmt
args: --verbose -- --check
# `clippy-check` will run `cargo clippy` on new pull requests. Due to a limitation in GitHub
# permissions, the behavior of the Action is different depending on the source of the PR. If the
# PR comes from the ion-rust project itself, any suggestions will be added to the PR as comments.
# If the PR comes from a fork, any suggestions will be added to the Action's STDOUT for review.
# For details, see:
- name: Install Clippy
# The clippy check depends on setup steps defined above, but we don't want it to run
# for every OS because it posts its comments to the PR. These `if` checks limit clippy to
# only running on the Linux test. (The choice of OS was arbitrary.)
if: matrix.runner == 'ubuntu' && matrix.features == 'all'
run: rustup component add clippy
- name: Run Clippy
if: matrix.runner == 'ubuntu' && matrix.features == 'all'
uses: actions-rs/clippy-check@v1
# Adding comments to the PR requires the GITHUB_TOKEN secret.
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# We are opinionated here and fail the build if anything is complained about.
# We can always explicitly allow clippy things we disagree with or if this gets too annoying, get rid of it.
args: --workspace --all-features --tests -- -Dwarnings
- name: Rustdoc on Everything
# We really only need to run this once--ubuntu/all features mode is as good as any
if: matrix.runner == 'ubuntu' && matrix.features == 'all'
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: doc
args: --document-private-items --all-features
# This job is just a "join" on all parallel strategies for the `build` job so that we can require it in our branch protection rules.
needs: build
name: Build and Test (all) Success
if: github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name != 'amazon-ion/ion-rust'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Pass
run: echo "ok"