This is a Bill Splitting Telegram Bot, written using PyTelegramBot API.
Copy and paste the following below into your console:
!pip3 install pyTelegramBotAPI
Insert Telegram Bot token in fakeDb.json Add the bot to your group
Use commands /start to bring up the instructions
/newtrip - starts a new trip
/sum - used to declare owing someone money
/split - used to charge a group of people money equally
/receipt - brings up the receipt
/endtrip - wipes your data from the database
This uses PyTelegramBot API for most of its functions albeit some custom algorithms.
The storage for the bot lies in indexing n^2 integers - implicitly assining a serial number to each user, allowing the bot to keep track of money flows. Iterations are done using modulo n as well.
Receipt simplification lies in identifying these modulo conjugates, ie. (1n) + 3 and (3n) + 1 are modulo conjugates, these serve to be the pair of indexes where money owed is compared and the delta is computed.
def listsimplify(lst, num):
for i in range(num):
for j in range(num):
if lst[i*num+j] > lst[j*num+i]:
lst[i*num+j] = lst[i*num+j] - lst[j*num+i]
lst[j*num+i] = 0
elif lst[j*num+i] > lst[i*num+j]:
lst[j*num+i] = lst[j*num+i] - lst[i*num+j]
lst[i*num+j] = 0
return lst
Only 1 change can be made at a time due to temprary adjustments being made to 1 local Python Class (transaction) at a time.
class transaction:
def __init__(self,value):
self.currency = "MYR"
self.pax = None
self.value = None
self.personlist = None
self.gstservice = None
Hopefully my coding gets better and I can allow multiple changes at a time.