Live Electronics Tutorial 1.0-0 Beta 43
You can download this tutorial directly from Pure Data as part of the package download of the ELSE library. In Pd, go to: Help => Find Externals and search for either 'else'. Other and earlier versions reside in this repository. For more details, please check the Readme at:
This version depends on Pure Data 0.51-3 or later plus the ELSE library version 1.0-0 beta 43 (
- added examples for [freq2midi], [gaussian~] oscillator and gaussian envelope.
- revised 14-Triggers-LFO-LFNoise section, added more examples with more objects, including the new [pimpmul~] object.
- added an example for [impseq~] in 19-Sequencing.
- Filters-II section Revised/Rewrritten, fixed some bugs/translations, added a new section about Moving Average Filters, added new examples and now we're using new objects from the ELSE library [pz2coeff], [coeff2pz] and [zbiplot].
- Total number of examples is now 440!