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Jim Cowart edited this page Jan 16, 2013 · 1 revision

The method used to add filters to constrain which messages should be sent or received to/from other remote instances of postal.

addFilter( filter )

Where the filter argument is an object literal containing channel, topic and direction. For example:

// if the filter mode is `whitelist`, then the below call is adding a filter
// to allow any message matching the channel "data" and the topic wildcard
// of "#" to be sent out to remote instances
postal.fedx.addFilter({ channel: 'data', topic: '#', direction: 'out' });

// if the filter mode is `whitelist`, then the below call is adding a filter
// to allow and "data" channel messages matching a topic of "request.*.read"
// to be received from remote instances of postal
postal.fedx.addFilter({ channel: 'data', topic: 'request.*.read', direction: 'in' });

// if the filter mode is `blacklist`, then the below call is adding a filter
// to prevent ANY messages on the "postal" channel from being sent or received
// to/from remote instances of postal.
postal.fedx.addFilter({ channel: 'postal', topic: '#' }); // direction defaults to "both"

addFilter( filters )

This override allows you to provide an array of filters, like this:

    { channel: 'data', topic: '#', direction: 'out' },
    { channel: 'data', topic: 'request.*.read', direction: 'in' },
    { channel: 'postal', topic: '#' }