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Prasad Talasila edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 32 revisions

IRC Logs

lisp logs, ScummVM logs, selenium HQ, grebs - largest archive, infobot, botbot, krijnhoetmer, ircquark, glob, ubuntu logs, IRC logger, openstack logs - both meeting and channel logs, echelog, metabrainz, dig@MIT, debian - meetbot, pingx

Role Models

igraph - network analysis package (python bindings) website
codeface - analysis of git repositories; developed by Siemens researchers website, github
pyunicorn - network analysis package for python web, github
superseriousstats - Create a webpage with statistics out of various types of IRC logs. github, website, sample stats

Network Community Analysis

multinets - JS library for rendering multilayer networks in browser github website
multinet.js - JS library for multilayer networks from ETH, Zurich github, website
multinetx - python package for manipulation and visualization of multilayer networks
pyunicorn - Unified Complex Network and Recurrence Analysis Toolbox github www related software


Visualization - catalogue, Mike Bostock, Jeff Heer
Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF) - website, docs has FM3 algo which helps in layout of large graphs

Visualization libraries - d3.js, processing.js, p5.js, processing programming language, survey, processing vs d3

Matplotlib Networkx - Networkx library for graph operations

dash - building beautiful web interfaces around on Python
Spreadsheets libraries - handsontable works in browsers, sheetjs works in nodejs and browser

Testing Libraries

Testing Tools Taxonomy
fullstackpython - curated list of python libraries
python unittest - python standard unittest library
mock libraries in Python - mock, docs for mock, mock reviews - Toptal, ; mockito

Similar Tools

Codeface - Framework and web frontend for analysing technical and social aspects of software development. github

Data Science Tools

Prophet - predictions based on time-series data github, docs

General References

Sphynx - documentation tool
readthedocs - for hosting sphynx generated documentation

Text Processing in Python, David Lutz
Functional Programming in Python, David Mertz
python awesome tools
ELK stack
Logstash with irc plugin
Streams API
ELKI data mining framework
Metrics libraries - scales, graph-explorer, sentry, pyperformance, statsd