Adapts pytorch repo code to work with 28x28 data.
One needs to know how to work with transpose convolutions. Check this page.
An implementation attempt of the GAN+VAE pape.
Autoencoding beyond pixels using a learned similarity metric
This paper attempts to add a learned reconstruction loss to a VAE.
The VAE loss term for log p(x|z)
in the decoder is replaced by a reconstruction loss
proportional to
We therefore seem to be minimizing (D_l(x)-D_l(Dec(z)))^2.
Curiously, the paper has all the details laid out properly, although it is slightly obfuscated, or perhaps I was a little too dense to interpret it correctly.
The lines are as follows:
"To achieve this, let
Samples real_samples.png, fake_samples.png (conv arch) real_fc_gen.png, fake_fc_gen.png (fully connected arch for generator decoder)