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Zumi edited this page Sep 1, 2024 · 1 revision

Generation 2 added an option to display little descriptors for each of the start menu options. Let's try implementing it in Gen 1 for kicks.




Add this at the bottom of engine/menus/draw_start_menu.asm:

; prints a short blurb about the
; current selection, just like in GSC
; prepare the background
	hlcoord 0, 13
	lb bc, 5, 10
	call ClearScreenArea

; determine which table to use
	ld a, [wStatusFlags4]
; use the table replacing "SAVE" with "RESET"
	ld de, StartMenuDescriptionTable.LinkTable
	jr nz, .check_pokedex
; use regular table if we're not in link mode
	ld de, StartMenuDescriptionTable

	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
	jr nz, .got_table
; shift one index forwards to reflect the fact that
; we haven't gotten a dex yet
	inc a

; select the correct pointer to the entry, and then load
; the entry into the DE register for use as a parameter for PlaceString
	add a
	ld l, a
	ld h, 0
	add hl, de
	ld e, [hl]
	inc hl
	ld d, [hl]

; finally, display the string.
	hlcoord 0, 14
	jp PlaceString

INCLUDE "data/start_menu_descriptions.asm"

Info text

Next, write the data/start_menu_descriptions.asm file, containing:

; regular menu descriptions
	dw .Pokedex
	dw .Pokemon
	dw .Item
	dw .Player
	dw .Save
	dw .Option
	dw .Exit

; descriptions for link mode
	dw .Pokedex
	dw .Pokemon
	dw .Item
	dw .Player
	dw .Reset ; in place of "SAVE"
	dw .Option
	dw .Exit

	db "#MON"
	next "database@"

	db "Party <PKMN>"
	next "status@"

	db "Contains"
	next "items@"

	db "Your own"
	next "status@"

	db "Save your"
	next "progress@"

	db "Soft-reset"
	next "the game@"

	db "Change"
	next "settings@"

	db "Close this"
	next "menu@"

Hook it into the start menu

The code we just added must be called when the start menu is actually updated, the code for that is located somewhere else.

So add this line in home/start_menu.asm:

	farcall PrintSafariZoneSteps ; print Safari Zone info, if in Safari Zone
	call UpdateSprites
+	farcall DrawMenuAccount
	call HandleMenuInput
	ld b, a
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