A Virtual working directory for Neovim.
This plugin aims to provide a Virtual Working Directory (VWD) to use with other plugins. When working with large repositories, targeting searches to specific directories becomes essential. This plugin exposes an API and commands to set, get and reset the working directory. It also provides a Telescope extension to search from the VWD.
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
{ 'prichrd/vwd.nvim', opts = {} }
Plug 'prichrd/vwd.nvim'
use 'prichrd/vwd.nvim'
The plugin currently doesn't have any configuration options. The setup function still has to be called to configure the commands:
vwd.nvim extends Telescope's find_files
, live_grep
and grep_string
functionalities by setting the CWD to the VWD. Here is a sample Telescope
local telescope = require('telescope')
-- Register the vwd extension.
-- Configures find_files, live_grep and grep_string to use VWD. You can still provide
-- regular Telescope arguments to the finders.
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>ff', '<cmd>lua require"telescope".extensions.vwd.find_files({})<CR>', opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>fg', '<cmd>lua require"telescope".extensions.vwd.live_grep({})<CR>', opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>fs', '<cmd>lua require"telescope".extensions.vwd.grep_string({})<CR>', opts)
Get the VWD with:
:VWD get
Set the VWD with:
:VWD set {vwd}
Reset the VWD with:
:VWD reset
Get the VWD with:
Set the VWD with:
require('vwd').set_vwd(vwd, absolute)
Reset the VWD with:
This project accepts contributions. Feel free to open issues for questions, feature ideas, bugs, etc.
Before submitting a PR, make sure you run make lint
with stylua
and luacheck