Using the BitCraze CrazyRadio to tele-operate the MuSHR racecar over radio (as opposed to normal WiFi/Bluetooth)
Use the XInput branch if you are using an Xbox or Logitech (in X-mode) controller. Use the main branch if you are using a DualShock 4 PS4 controller.
The attached STL 3D Print file can be used with many FPV cameras and is mounted to the front bumper the same way that the push button is.
Receives controller data over CrazyRadio
Uses evdev to create a virtual controller interfacing with ROS - joy. See file comments if you are using an unsupported controller and want to tweak the input to match your existing setup.
Requires inputs module & CrazyRadio device
Uses standard MuSHR Controls (L1 for DMS, joysticks for throttle and steering), and communicates it over radio.
Press B to end radio transmission before terminating the script.
BitCraze CrazyRadio Python library (used under MIT License from BitCraze)