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How to Create a Multi Boot SD card out of 2 existing OSes using PINN

procount edited this page Nov 9, 2021 · 47 revisions

How to Create a Multi-Boot SD card out of 2 existing OSes using PINN


These instructions explain how to create a multi-boot SD card for the Raspberry Pi that will enable you to select which OS will be used on boot. The 2 OSes are ones that you have previously installed to 2 separate SD cards and customised to an extent that you don't want to lose those customisations.

These instructions can be used to multi-boot more than 2 OSes, or different OSes than the example ones given here. Just adapt the instructions as necessary.

In any of the following instructions, any line beginning with a $ indicates a line that should be typed in by the user (not including the $ symbol, which represents the command line prompt)


  • 2 existing uSD cards containing 2 OSes (e.g. Raspbian and Retropie)
  • 1 blank uSD card large enough to hold both OSes as a multi-boot SD card
  • 1 USB memory stick (or uSD card with USB card reader)
  • a USB uSD card reader
  • a PC running a version of desktop Linux (Ubuntu assumed). It is possible to use a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian, but due to it's lack of memory, it is advisable to omit the '-9' option from any xz commands, or use gzip instead of xz.

Overall Process

The overall process that I will cover will have the following general outline. Each step will be documented along the way.

  • Backup the existing OSes
  • Make the backups suitable for installation by PINN
  • Copy the custom OSes to a new SD card.
  • Make a PINN bootable uSD card
  • Use PINN to install the OS backups to the multi-boot card.

Step 1 - Backup existing OSes

The SD cards containing the existing customised OSes need to be backed up in a particluar way in order for PINN to install them. PINN prefers a backup file per partition, which could be a compressed image file, or a compressed tar file.

An image file is a bit-by-bit backup of the whole of a partition, including any unused space, so it can be a lot bigger than is necessary. Compressing the image afterwards can remove a lot of this unused space to make the file smaller, but it nevertheless requires an SD card at least as big as the original partition size to restore the files to. To avoid this, a common practice is to first resize the partition and its file system to be as small as possible before taking the image. In this way, less of the unused space is recorded in the image file and it can be restored to a smaller SD card. However, it also requires that after restoration, the file system should be expanded to fill the remaining space of the partition, otherwise it will not be possible to add much more data or install anymore programs to the partition. Because of these complications of first reducing and then expanding the file systems, this method will not be considered here.

An alternative approach is to create an archive of the files on each partition as a tar file and then compress it. Using this method, only the existing files will be backed up, and not any empty space, so it should be smaller than a corresponding image file. On restoration, the tar files can be decompressed to a preformatted partition of any size at least as large as the files themselves. No file system expansion would be necessary because the partition would have already been formatted to its full capacity.

ASIDE: A word about OS partition labels and filenames

PINN uses several JSON files to describe each OS that it will install. Each OS has a partitions.json file which contains information about how many partitions there are, what their label should be, how to format them, and where the installation image for each partition can be found.

Most OSes comprise 2 partitions, a small FAT32 partition called 'boot' that holds the startup, firmware and kernel files and an EXT4 partition called 'root' that holds the root file system, (although there are exceptions). All the partition labels on a drive must be unique, so when PINN installs multiple OSes on the same device, it will make any duplicate labels unique by appending a number where necessary. Nevertheless, it is still not easy to identify which partitions belong to a particular OS when they are all called: 'boot', 'boot1', 'boot2',... 'root', 'root1', 'root2'... etc. So OSes converted for PINN often have their partition labels renamed to link them to the OS name, e.g. 'boot_rp44' & 'root_rp44' for Retropie v4.4.

When installing an OS, PINN looks in partitions.json for the label name of each partition and searches for a corresponding archive file with the same basename. The extension can be any one of the following: (.tar.lzo, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2,, .tar.xz or .tar) according to the compression used. Raw image files (not discussed further in this tutorial) can have any one of the following extensions: (.img.lzo, .img.gz, .img.bz2,, .img.xz, .lzo, .gz, .bz2, .zip, .xz) .

This tutorial assumes the partition labels are 'boot' and 'root'. However, if the partitions.json file for the OS you are converting indicates different label names from these, please substitute those for 'boot' and 'root' accordingly in the following instructions.

Backup Raspbian

First we will backup the Raspbian OS.

We will start on our PC and fire up Linux. We will be doing a lot of this procedure by the command line, so if you have booted into a desktop environment, launch your normal terminal program (Terminal, LXTerminal or similar). This should drop you into your home directory (/home/<username> or just '~' for short)

  1. Create a folder called os/raspbian in your home folder to store your backup in.
    $ mkdir -p ~/os/Raspbian
  2. Insert your uSD card that has your customised Raspbian OS on it into the USB reader and insert it into a free USB slot of the PC. You need to note what device Linux has assigned it (e.g. /dev/sdb) and where it has been mounted (e.g. /media/<username>/boot or /root etc).
    Some Linux OSes may automount the partitions on this SD card, so in this case you can type mount to identify the device and where it's partitions have been mounted and skip the next step. For this tutorial, we will assume the SD card is referenced as /dev/sdb with /dev/sdb1 mounted at /media/<username>/boot and /dev/sdb2 mounted at /media/<username>/root. If yours is mounted at a different location, please replace appropriately in the following steps.
  3. If it has not been auto-mounted, you will need to manually mount the partitions on the device.
    $ dmesg
    Look for the recent logs at the end of the dmesg output to identify the name of the most recently added device. You then need to create a mountpoint for each partition on the device. We will assume the device has been assigned /dev/sdb and has 2 partitions (/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2) named boot and root
$ sudo mkdir /media/<username>/boot   
$ sudo mkdir /media/<username>/root   
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/<username>/boot   
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /media/<username>/root  
  1. Now we will take a copy of our SD card and store it in 2 archive files.
$ cd /media/<username>/boot   
$ sudo bsdtar --numeric-owner --format gnutar -cpvf ~/os/Raspbian/boot.tar .
$ cd /media/<username>/root   
$ sudo find . -type s -exec rm {} \;
$ sudo getfacl -s -R . >acl_permissions.pinn
$ sudo bsdtar --numeric-owner --format gnutar --one-file-system -cpf ~/os/Raspbian/root.tar .
$ cd ~/os/Raspbian   
$ xz -9 -e boot.tar   
$ xz -9 -e root.tar   

Note the command sudo find . -type s -exec rm {} \; The purpose of this command is to remove any socket files on the image which cannot be backed up by bsdtar and can cause restoration problems.

You should now have 2 files in ~/os/Raspbian called boot.tar.xz and root.tar.xz
5. We need to make a note of how much space the OS takes up.

$ sudo du -BK -s /media/<username>/boot | cut -d"K" -f1 >boot.size  
$ sudo du -BK -s /media/<username>/root | cut -d"K" -f1 >root.size  
  1. Finally we will unmount the Raspbian OS SD card
$ umount /media/<username>/boot   
$ umount /media/<username>/root   

and then you may eject and remove the Raspbian OS SD card.

Backup Retropie

Now we will backup the other OS of Retropie, which is just a repeat of the operation to backup our Raspbian OS.

  1. Create a folder called os/Retropie2 in your home folder to store your backup in.
    $ mkdir -p ~/os/Retropie2
  2. Insert your uSD card that has your customised Retropie OS on it into the USB reader and insert it into a free USB slot of the PC. You need to note what device Linux has assigned it (e.g. /dev/sdb) and where it has been mounted (e.g. /media/<username>/boot or /root etc). Some Linux OSes may automount the partitions on this SD card, so in this case you can type mount to identify the device and where it's partitions have been mounted and skip the next step. For this tutorial, we will assume the SD card is referenced as /dev/sdb with /dev/sdb1 mounted at /media/<username>/boot and /dev/sdb2 mounted at /media/<username>/root. If yours is mounted at a different location, please replace appropriately in the following steps.
  3. If it has not been auto-mounted, you will need to manually mount the partitions on the device.
    $ dmesg
    Look for the recent logs at the end of the dmesg output to identify the name of the most recently added device. You then need to create a mountpoint for each partition on the device. We will assume the device has been assigned /dev/sdb and has 2 partitions (/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2) named boot and root
    (we will assume the /media/<username>/boot and/media/<username>/root folders still exist from backing up Raspbian)
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/<username>/boot   
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /media/<username>/root
  1. Now we will take a copy of our SD card and store it in 2 archive files.
$ cd /media/<username>/boot   
$ sudo bsdtar --numeric-owner --format gnutar -cpvf ~/os/Retropie2/boot.tar .
$ cd /media/<username>/root   
$ sudo find . -type s -exec rm {} \;  
$ sudo bsdtar --numeric-owner --format gnutar --one-file-system -cpf ~/os/Retropie2/root.tar .  
$ cd ~/os/Retropie2  
$ xz -9 -e boot.tar  
$ xz -9 -e root.tar  

You should now have 2 files in ~/os/Retropie2 called boot.tar.xz and root.tar.xz
5. We need to make a note of how much space the OS takes up.

$ sudo du -BK -s /media/<username>/boot | cut -d"K" -f1 >boot.size  
$ sudo du -BK -s /media/<username>/root | cut -d"K" -f1 >root.size  
  1. Finally we will unmount the retropie OS SD card
$ umount /media/<username>/boot   
$ umount /media/<username>/root   

and then you may eject and remove the retropie OS SD card.

Step 2 - Add OS Meta Data

Now we need to add some meta data files that describe these OSes to PINN so it knows how to install them. We shall download some existing meta files for these OSes and then adapt them if necessary.

First, Raspbian:

$ cd ~/os/Raspbian  
$ wget -N ""  
$ wget -N ""  
$ wget -N ""  
$ wget -N ""  
$ wget -N ""  

We need to modify partitions.json and edit the values for "partition_size_nominal" and "uncompressed_tarball_size" for each of the boot and root partitions, so 4 values in total.

First in the boot partition, replace the value of "uncompressed_tarball_size" with the value produced from:
$ expr `cat boot.size` / 1024 + 1
Whatever this value is, add 100 to it and use it to replace the value of "partition_size_nominal"

Next for the root partition, replace the value of "uncompressed_tarball_size" with the value produced from:
$ expr `cat root.size` / 1024 + 1
Whatever this value is, add 500 to it and use it to replace the value of "partition_size_nominal"
(This value of 500 is the minimum additional free space required for the OS to execute. Updating/Upgrading the OS using apt-get etc. may require additional space for it to complete successfully)

Note the spaces and punctuation of backticks in the above expressions which are not quotes or apostrophes.

Later versions of PINN support optional checksums for security. If you don't want to use these, you should delete any sha256sum lines from os.json and partitions.json, making sure to respect the JSON file syntax by possibly removing the trailing comma on the previous line.

If you do want to add checksums, you can checksum by issuing sha256sum and copying the resultant hash to the sha256sum line in os.json. Repeat this for each of the tar.xz files adn copy the resultant hash file to the appropriate sha256sum in partitions.json.

Then Retropie:

$ cd ~/os/Retropie2  
$ wget -N ""  
$ wget -N ""  
$ wget -N ""  
$ wget -N ""  
$ wget -N ""  

Similarly, we need to modify partitions.json and edit the values for "partition_size_nominal" and "uncompressed_tarball_size" for each of the boot and root partitions, so 4 values in total.

First in the boot partition, replace the value of "uncompressed_tarball_size" with the value produced from:
$ expr `cat boot.size` / 1024 + 1
Whatever this value is, add 100 to it and use it to replace the value of "partition_size_nominal"

Next for the root partition, replace the value of "uncompressed_tarball_size" with the value produced from:
$ expr `cat root.size` / 1024 + 1
Whatever this value is, add 500 to it and use it to replace the value of "partition_size_nominal".
(This value of 500 is the minimum additional free space required for the OS to execute. Updating/Upgrading the OS using apt-get etc. may require additional space for it to complete successfully).

Note the spaces and punctuation of backticks in the above expressions which are not quotes or apostrophes.

See the above section relating to checksums if you want to update or remove them.

Step 3 - Copy the custom OSes to a new SD card.

Having prepared the custom OSes, they now need to be put on a USB stick, or an SD card that can be inserted into a USB SD Card reader. If any of the files in the ~/os/<osname> are greater than 4GB in size (the root.tar.xz file is likely to be the largest), then this memory device must be formatted as ext4 and you must use PINN v2.4.2i which has been adapted to support ext4 formatted installation devices. If the installation files are all smaller than 4GB, then the memory device may be formatted as FAT32 and any version of PINN can be used.

So, format your memory device to the appropriate above format and make sure it is large enough to hold all of the files in the ~/os/ folder.

Now copy the ~/os/ folder and all sub folders to your memory device. Assuming your memory device is mounted at /media/<username>/usb you can use the following command to copy them. $ cp -r ~/os/ /media/<username>/usb

Step 4 - Make a PINN Bootable SD card

This step prepares the final SD card where the custom OSes will be installed to, so choose one that is large enough to store all the OSes, so at least as large as the original SD cards added together.

Format your SD card as FAT32

For Windows users, we recommend formatting your SD card using the SD Association's Formatting Tool, which can be downloaded from You will need to set "FORMAT SIZE ADJUSTMENT" option to "ON" in the "Options" menu to ensure that the entire SD card volume is formatted - not just a single partition. For more detailed and beginner-friendly formatting instructions, please refer to

The SD Association's Formatting Tool is also available for Mac users although the default OSX Disk Utility is also capable of formatting the entire disk (select the SD card volume and choose "Erase" with "MS-DOS" format).

For Linux users we recommend gparted (or the command line version parted). (Update: Norman Dunbar has written up the following formatting instructions for Linux users: )

Copy the PINN files to your SD card.

  • Download from sourceforge
  • Extract the files from this zip file onto the SD card. (Windows built-in zip features may have trouble with this file. If so, use another program such as 7zip.) Please note that in some cases it may extract the files into a folder, if this is the case then please copy across the files from inside the folder rather than the folder itself.

Step 5 - Install the custom backups

Now that all the SD cards are prepared we can move over to the Raspberry Pi and install the OSes.

  1. Insert the PINN bootable SD card from step 4 into the SD card slot of the RPi
  2. Insert the memory device with your prepared custom OSes on it from step 3 into one of the USB ports of the RPi
  3. Since you will be installing the custom OSes from a local device, there is no need to use the internet, and in fact PINN may choose a more recent version of the same OS from the internet instead of your custom OS, so it is best to ensure the RPi is not plugged into an ethernet cable and do not configure the wifi.
  4. Boot your RPi. On first boot, PINN will reformat the SD card and when it is finished it will display your two custom OSes.
  5. Select both OSes and install them to yout SD card. This may take a while.
  6. When installation is complete, accept the dialog box and the RPi will reboot.
  7. After rebooting, you will have a boot selection dialog where you can select which of your custom OS you want to boot into.