This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
The following libraries have been added to the regular expression: - Lodash - Moment.js - Chart.js - Highcharts - Raphael - Prototype - MooTools - Dojo Toolkit - Ext JS - YUI (Yahoo User Interface) - Web Components - Polymer - Vue.js - Svelte - Next.js - Nuxt.js - Gatsby - Express - Koa - Hapi - - Axios - SuperAgent - Request - Bluebird - RxJS - Ramda - Immutable.js - Flux - Redux Saga - MobX - Relay - Apollo - GraphQL - Three.js - Phaser - PixiJS - Babylon.js - Cannon.js - Hammer.js - Howler.js - GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) - Velocity.js - Mo.js - Popper.js - Shepherd - Prism - Highlight.js - Markdown-it - CodeMirror - Ace Editor - TinyMCE - CKEditor - Quill - SimpleMDE - Monaco Editor - PDF.js - jsPDF - Fabric.js - Paper.js - Konva - p5.js - Processing.js - Matter.js - Box2D - Planck.js
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