- bash commands
- python query.py
type the query and press enter and see the top most 10 documents calculated using tf-idf.
- sachin
- t:sachin b:cricket ( t - title , b - body )
- Results are shown in less than 1 second.
- To change wiki dump change the path inside commands file.
-This project generates a sorted indexer for the dump specified. It is optimized by compression techniques. Given a dump, it will create the inverted index file in Index/ folder, create a tree of indexers in Split/ folder for the inverted index and tree in Title/ for title-docID mappings file. Inverted index and title mapping file can be found in Index/ folder.
Posting list contains the count of that term in title, body, infobox, references, external links and categories.
T - Title
X - body
I - Infobox
C - Categories
L - External Links
R - References