A very alpha munkiserver package mirror application.
You'd be interested in using this if you need on-site mirrors of your package repository, while maintaining an off-site munkiserver.
cd where/you/want/the/app
git clone git://github.com/jnraine/package_mirror.git
Edit the settings file found at config/settings.yaml. You'll need to specify a path to the packages and the hostname of your munkiserver. It'll look something like this:
master_hostname: http://localhost:3000
packages_dir: !ruby/object:Pathname
path: /Users/jnraine/projects/munkiserver/packages
Be sure to leave the !ruby/object:Pathname there.
Setup rsync on your munkiserver, configured to sync all the packages from your munkiserver to your package mirror to the specified in your settings.yaml.
cd path/to/your/app
rails s
This will start it into development mode. After testing it out, it's probably be a good idea to setup Passenger or Unicorn with Apache or Nginx. This will offload the sending of the file to a webserver that is good at it.
In order for your client computers to use your package mirror, you'll need to specify the URL of your package mirror in ManagedInstalls.plist under the PackageURL path. You can find more details on that key here.