LaTeX layout used for my doctoral thesis at the Delft University of Technology.
The thesis layout is demonstrated for both the book and the propositions.
LaTeX2e book style for the PhD thesis layout
screen enables options : booklet
print enables options : booklet scaled, cmyk, bindingoffset
All options:
booklet papersize 17x24cm
bookletscaled papersize 17x24cm on a regular a4paper with crop marks
bindingoffset set 6.5mm binding offset
cmyk force (tikz) cmyk colours
newfonts use new modern fonts garamondx and newtxmath
norulers remove header rulers
italic put header chapter and section in italic
thumbs enable chapter thumbs
debug enable geometry showframe and showcrop
Core LaTeX file the includes all chapters. Each chapter has its own folder named ch-...
containing the text main.tex
and a folder figs
containing all figures. Long chapters can be split similarly for sections.
The layout of the doctoral thesis (thesis.sty) is used for the propositions. An example is given in both English and Dutch, with a reference to a specific chapter of the doctoral thesis.
For MacTex users, don't install the full package but download the smaller [BasicTeX]:
Once TexLive is installed you can add all missing packages using the TexLive Manager tlmgr
Update tlmgr
sudo tlmgr update --self
Set default ctan repository location.
sudo tlmgr option location
Install latexmk (essential for sublime users).
sudo tlmgr install latexmk
Install on the fly package installation tool.
sudo tlmgr install texliveonfly
Run once texliveonfly to install all missing packages.
sudo texliveonfly thesis.tex