The Jack Compiler is the front-end of a two-tier compiler for a typical object-based programming language.
Written in Python 3, the Jack Compiler translates high-level Jack programs into virtual-machine code. The compiler's back end - the Hack Virtual Machine Translator - transforms the VM code into native code. Two-tier compilers using virtual machines provide flexibility that makes it easier to run program codes on multiple platforms.
The compiled code is designed to run on a simple general-purpose computer, which is built from scratch in a two-part course called From Nand to Tetris. An accompanying book is called The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles. See reference links below.
The Jack Compiler reads .jack files and generates .vm files. A path to either a .jack file or a directory with .jack files is fed as a parameter to the command line. A .vm file is created for each .jack file.
The compiler runs the compiler directory as a package from the root folder. To pass a course auto-grader, the program also runs from within the compiler directory, using a file called JackCompiler. Tests run only from the root directory. A file called JackAnalyzer runs just the syntax analyzer, and produces an .xml file for each .jack file.
Examples from root directory:
- To translate the data/Average/Main.jack file:
python -m compiler data/Average/Main.jack
- To translate all files in the data/Pong directory:
python -m compiler data/Pong
- To translate all .jack files and directories in the data directory:
python -m compiler run_all
- To run a test module, such as test_1_1:
python -m tests.test_1_1
- To run a specific test, note addition of unittest:
python -m unittest tests.test_1_1.TestTokenizer.test_advance
- To run all tests:
python -m unittest
Examples from compiler directory:
- To translate the data/Average/Main.jack file:
python ../data/Average/Main.jack
- To translate all files in the data/Pong directory directory:
python ../data/Pong
- To translate all .jack files and directories in the data directory:
python run_all
- To run the syntax analyzer on the data/Average/Main.jack file:
python ../data/Average/Main.jack
- To run the syntax analyzer on all files in the data/Pong directory directory:
python ../data/Pong
- To run the syntax analyzer on all .jack files and directories in the data directory:
python run_all
- Website:
- Book:
- Book Chapter 10:
- Book Chapter 11:
- Slides Chapter 10:
- Slides Chapter 11:
- Course I:
- Course II:
- Hack Virtual Machine Translator: