##Get docker running on your system install howto
Ensure your docker host has at least 4G of memory and 2 or 3 cores
##Clone the git
git clone https://github.com/SimonHoenscheid/puppet4-workshop.git /somewhere/puppet4-workshop
##Download the containers
docker pull pugberlin/puppet4workshop:puppet4agent_d8
docker pull pugberlin/puppet4workshop:puppet4master_d8
##start the puppetserver container, replace /somewhere/puppet4-workshop with your checkout
docker run -d --name puppet -v /somewhere/puppet4-workshop:/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production -t pugberlin/puppet4workshop:puppet4master_d8 tail -f /dev/null
##connect to the puppetserver container
docker exec -i -t puppet bash
##add puppet to /etc/hosts
echo $(facter networking.ip) $(facter hostname) >> /etc/hosts
##do an agent run
puppet agent -t --environment production
##start coding
changes inside the git repo, will be visible to the puppetmaster, no need to commit
#start the agent container if needed
docker run -d --name agent -t pugberlin/puppet4workshop:puppet4agent_d8 tail -f /dev/null
##connect to the agent container
docker exec -i -t puppet bash
##add master to /etc/hosts
replace $MASTERIP
echo $MASTERIP puppet >> /etc/hosts
##start the agent
puppet agent -t --environment production
##on the master sign the agent
puppet cert sign --all