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Library to handle EVE Frontier graph and pathfinding operations.

API Version: Phase 6 (Closed Alpha)

Work in progress.


  • no closed alpha ("phase 6") data yet
  • no graph database implemented (TODO), i.e., you have to rebuild the graph each time you run computations which takes some time
  • path finding on 24k star systems can hit the limits of Ruby (SystemStackError: stack level too deep), try running shorter queries over less distance and combine the results


The gem is not published yet, but you can install it locally:

git clone
cd frontier


Use the local version of the code instead of a globally installed gem:

$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__)

require "frontier"
include Frontier

Direct distance between two star systems

Get the direct distance between D:S299 and Y:1SII.

direct_distance = ALL_STARS["D:S299"].distance_ly(ALL_STARS["Y:1SII"])

See examples/ for usage and options to fine-tune.

❯ ruby examples/distance.rb "D:S299" "Y:1SII"
  D:S299 --> Y:1SII: 885.623 ly

Shortest jump-path between two star systems

Get the shortest path between D:S299 and Y:1SII.

best_smart_gate_path = UNIVERSE_GRAPH.shortest_path("D:S299", "Y:1SII")

See examples/ for usage and options to fine-tune.

❯ ruby examples/pathfinder.rb "D:S299" "Y:1SII"
  Mapping all star systems ...    done.
  Building universe graph ...    done.
  D:S299 --> Y:1SII: 885.623 ly(D:S299 --> G.QXJ.4SH --> P:S696 --> Q:1A97 --> J:3K85 --> Y:1SII)

Frontier console

Run the console to make ad-hoc computations on the command line:

❯ ./bin/console
[1] pry(main)> g =
=> #<Frontier::Graph:0x0000791d610ca920 @graph={}, @nodes=#<Set: {}>>


To run tests, simply use rspec.

License and Credits

The frontier gem is licensed under the conditions of Apache 2.0. Please see AUTHORS for contributors and copyright notices.