#192 Added software_version yml functionality
#191 Added test software_versions.yml files for rsem and salmon
#188 Added titles to static heatmaps, added labels to static PCA plots
#176 Added output description to report
#175 Added nf-core citation to report
#173 Added GMT file to testdata dir to test #172
#172 Added option to provide custom gost GMT, for online gost, GMT is downloaded
#151 Added session info to report
#149 Added gene names to PA tables
#148 Added KEGG/REAC versions to report
#147 Added check for contrast list/metadata comparison
#145 Added pval threshold param
#136 Added pytest checks and md5sums to make sure that output stays consistent
#180 Bump version to 2.1 in some more files
#179 Release 2.1
#178 Bump version to 2.1
#177 Updated usage documentation
#174 Template update, changed param --metadata to --input
#169 Changed skip_pathway_analysis to run_pathway_analysis, default false
#165 -fw entries in multiqc stats are now merged
#164 Boxplots are now only generated for contrasts in list/matrix file if provided
#163 Template update, re-added limma, annotationdbi, colorbrewr to env (were previously incorrectly deleted), switched container to mamba
#159 Changed error messages for non-existing rsem/salmon files
#151 PCA plots and heatmap are now interactive, volcano and enrichment plots are cleaned up in their layout
#145 Renamed versions to software_versions
#188 Fixed cut-off enrichment legends and cut-off volcano ylabs
#181 Fixed nf-core version test in ci.yml, updated schema.yml
#167 Corrected 5sum for batcheffect after container update
#152 Fixed empty qlist for gost query
#150 Removed human and mouse db from env.yml, both are now installed during pipeline execution if needed
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