Takes .cel files and creates qc plots as well as normalising the data
microarray-qc-workflow: Takes .cel files and creates qc plots as well as normalising the data
The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner. It comes with docker / singularity containers making installation trivial and results highly reproducible.
The microarray-qc-workflow pipeline comes with documentation about the pipeline, found in the docs/
- Installation
- Pipeline configuration
- Running the pipeline
- Output and how to interpret the results
- Troubleshooting
This pipeline was written by Timo Lucas (lucass122) at QBiC Tübingen. R script based on script by Stefan Czemmel [qbicStefanC]: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/qbic-wf-microarrayQC