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Data Consent library based on Promises

This package provides a generic JavaScript library for data consent management.

Integrations for TYPO3 and Contao are available.


$ npm install --save @qbus/data-consent

# For composer TYPO3 installations:
$ composer require qbus/data-consent

# For classic mode TYPO3 installations:
$ git submodule add \ \

# For Contao installations:
$ composer require qbus/contao-data-consent-bundle

Bundling CSS and JavaScript

Usage with LESS

Add the following contents to your style.less file:

@import (inline) "npm://@qbus/data-consent"; {
    --primary-color: #64c5e2;
    --btn-border-radius: 2em;
    --box-background: #ededed;

Adapt your less-css pipeline to include the npm-import plugin.

$ npm install --save-dev less-plugin-npm-import
$ lessc --npm-import style.less stlye.css

Usage with browserify

To bundle @qbus/data-consent into a javascript bundle created with browserify, the esmify plugin is required to support the ES6 module import/export syntax used by @qbus/data-consent.

$ npm install --save-dev esmify

Add the following contents to your index.js file:

import DataConsent from '@qbus/data-consent';

var consent = new DataConsent({
    banner: false,
    functional: false
consent.isAccepted('marketing').then(function(type) {
        $.getScript('' + window.gatid);

Adapt your browserify pipeline to include the esmify plugin. The plugin will be enabled by passing -p esmify to the browserify command:

$ browserify -p esmify index.js -o bundle.js

Usage with webpack

import DataConsent from '@qbus/data-consent'

Webpack will bundle the es6-promise polyfill and dialog-polyfill automatically. If you do not need support for IE11, you may exclude the es6-promise polyfill from being bundled:

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  // …
  externals: {
    'es6-promise': 'Promise'

Pre-bundled JavaScript and CSS usage (hosted)


You should not use as CDN in production to avoid transatlantic exchanges of personal data. You may use it for testing, but please download the assets and host them directly for production.

Serve the file data-content.css and data-content.js from your server or include them from UNPKG. You should include a Promise polyfill if you need support for Internet Explorer 11:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/data-consent.css">

<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/data-consent.min.js"></script>

DataConsent is provided as global class by data-consent and can be instantiated with new:

var consent = new DataConsent({
    banner: false,
    functional: false
consent.isAccepted('marketing').then(function(type) {
        $.getScript('' + window.gatid);

Using third party storage backends

import DataConsent from '@qbus/data-consent'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
var consent = new DataConsent({
    storage: Cookies.withAttributes({ path: '/', domain: '', expires: 3650, secure: true })