This is a ROS package for motoman SDA5F dual-arm robot. And this package is only validated on Ubuntu 14.04 STL + ROS indigo
This package contains configuration data, 3D models and launch files for Motoman SDA5F manipulators.
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the motoman_sda5f with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework. industrial_robot_simulator is launched as an fake controller.
1. cd ~/catkin_ws/src
2. git clone [email protected]:qqfly/motoman_sda5f_pkg.git
3. rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo
4. catkin_make
1.Display SDA5 in Rviz:
roslaunch motoman_sda5f_support test_sda5f.launch
2.Use MoveIt with simulated robot:
roslaunch motoman_sda5f_moveit_config demo_fake.launch
roslaunch motoman_sda5f_moveit_config demo_sim.launch
1.Download motoman_driver for dual-arm FS100 contrller.
git clone [email protected]:qqfly/motoman.git -b dual_arm_fs100_indigo
2.Follow the instructions from ROS
3.Set IP for your computer
5.Launch motoman_driver ``` roslaunch motoman_sda5f_support robot_interface_streaming_sda5f.launch ``` 6.Launch MoveIt ``` roslaunch motoman_sda5f_moveit_config demo.launch ```