FileMaker custom function to generate a presigned URL to upload/download/delete an object in S3
s3presignedUrl ( method ; bucket ; region ; theFilePath ; expireSeconds ; accessKey ; secretKey ; optionsObj )
- method | GET or PUT or DELETE or HEAD
- bucket | the bucket name
- region | eg: ca-central-1
- theFilePath | the full path to the file in the bucket eg: /folder/filename.pdf
- expireSeconds | the length of time that the URL will be valid
- accessKey | AWS Access Key
- secretKey | AWS Secret Key
- optionsObj | empty or JSON object containing optional parameters
Optional parameters are passed as JSON inside the optionsObj parameter
- host | the provider's domain, not required for AWS. Must include the full hostname including the bucket name if required.
- token | the session token (e.g., from AWS STS), if your role requires you to include one.
Generate a presigned URL with the desired method, then...
You can use Insert From URL to download the object to a container or variable (to download a binary object to a variable in FileMaker, you must add the --FM-return-container-variable cURL option). Alternatively, reference the presigned URL in a web viewer (in an src attribute, for example). Note: You may need to change the CORS settings for your bucket in order to load the object into a web viewer.
Use Insert From URL with the following cURL options:
"-X PUT -H " & Quote ( "Content-Length: " & $fileSizeInBytes ) & " -H " & Quote ( "Content-Type: " & $contentType ) & " --data-binary @$container -D $responseHeaders"
is the mime type. For example APPLICATION/PDF
. Having the correct content type stored in S3 is necessary to GET the object into a browser or web viewer. For example, without the content-type header IMAGE/PNG
, a PNG file would simply by downloaded rather than displayed.
If the upload was successful, PatternCount ( $responseHeaders ; "200 OK" )
will return True.
Use Insert From URL with the following cURL options:
"-X DELETE -D $responseHeaders"
If deletion was successful, PatternCount ( $responseHeaders ; "204 No Content" )
will return True.
Use Insert From URL with the following cURL options:
The result will include headers that you may wish to parse out, such as Content-Type and Content-Length. Here's one way to extract a header from the result $result
Let ([
~header = "Content-Type" ;
~start = Position ( $result ; ~header ; 1 ; 1 ) + Length ( ~header ) + 2 ;
~end = Position ( $result ; "¶" ; ~start ; 1 ) ;
~value = Middle ( $result ; ~start ; ~end - ~start )