Major changes
#4405 - Add a resteasy-jaxb extension
#4376 - Rename Keycloak extension to quarkus-oidc
#4331 - Add support for named lambda request handlers
#4286 - Add a quarkus.http.root-path property that controls where everything is mounted
#4273 - Add Elytron security JDBC extension
#4260 - An extension providing Narayana Software Transactional Memory
#4212 - Allow easy customization of Jackson’s ObjectMapper and JsonbConfig
#4186 - Add Artemis JMS documentation
#4086 - Update of REST Assured to 4.1.1
#4052 - RESTEasy on Vert.x by default
#3764 - Bring in new quarkus-security API
#3650 - Add MongoDB with Panache extension
#1829 - Support customization of the project name and version in logs
Complete changelog
#4494 - Fix Narayana STM IT
#4491 - Avoid byte[].clone() in Elytron classes
#4484 - Add a note on how to make GraalVM binaries work on macOS Catalina
#4483 - Update OpenAPI
#4475 - Fix minor doc issues
#4473 - Replace @stream with @channel
#4466 - Fix issue with RESTEasy GET requests when using standalone vert.x
#4463 - Some new Agroal datasource improvements
#4462 - Initial doc for Elytron Security JDBC
#4461 - Be defensive with closeTask in HttpAuthenticator#sendChallenge
#4459 - Allow @id to be part of the class hierarchy in Spring Data JPA
#4458 - Document the use of config/
#4456 - Spring Data can't see @Id
in parent class (with @Access(PROPERTY)
#4454 - Make the vert.x failure handler handle non auth related security failures
#4452 - Document that one can override runtime properties via config/
#4451 - Fix various minor things
#4450 - Removing redundant code, adding jwks_path property
#4449 - Fix JDBC test failures in Windows
#4445 - Log non-authentications related errors when using security
#4443 - Periodically validate JDBC connections
#4441 - Force the version of the Maven Compiler Plugin in the templates and the -parameters option
#4438 - Application classes classloader
#4437 - Add OIDC Cors test and update the docs
#4435 - Email extension should not rely on SLF4J
#4433 - elytron-jdbc-security tests are unstable
#4432 - Temporarily set autoReleaseAfterClose to false
#4428 - Apply minor renaming to security relates classes / methods
#4425 - Implement new-connection-sql configuration for Agroal
#4422 - Break lines to avoid horizontal scroll in
#4421 - Bump Flyway to 6.0.4
#4420 - Allow Hibernate ORM to make updates on the DB w/o a Transaction
#4419 - Fix #4407 - Allow user route registration after the base route
#4417 - Make working directory configurable for Gradle's and Maven's dev tasks
#4412 - Update to Vert.x 3.8.2 and friends
#4410 - Test improvements in the Gradle plugin
#4409 - Junit5 - inner classes are not allowed as they cannot become managed …
#4407 - User Route should be called even when registered after the default route
#4405 - Add a resteasy-jaxb extension
#4403 - Remove a duplicated dependency
#4402 - Remove useless capability strings
#4401 - Fix various formatting issues in the Kubernetes client guide
#4398 - Initial support for generic OIDC properties
#4395 - Add "suspend" param to control the debug mode launch
#4392 - Make quarkus-oidc properties more generic
#4390 - Some test fixes to improve test suite stability
#4389 - Extended description of gu command
#4388 - Workaround backtick and tick issue
#4385 - fix Java heap space when OpenAPI is enabled and enums are used in a JAX-RS endpoint
#4384 - Fix minor wording issues in integration tests
#4382 - Add io pause
#4381 - Implement a searchable and expandable configuration property table
#4379 - Add jboss-logging-processor to the BOM
#4378 - Ensure that gradle wrapper sets a specific gradle version
#4376 - Rename Keycloak extension to quarkus-oidc
#4374 - Fix issues with gradle project generation
#4370 - fix: error handling for gradle wrapper call
#4365 - Gradle build doesn't work if the plugin isn't in the local repository
#4364 - Fix formatting typo in build section
#4359 - Fix wrong name in @ConfigProperties example
#4357 - Rename the Migration category to Compatibility
#4352 - Provide the reactive route guide
#4351 - Add MP JWT TCK
#4350 - refactor: use ConfigItem annotation in HttpAuthConfig configuration root
#4342 - Fix #4238 : Add missing README for IT tests that don't run by default
#4337 - Fix Hot reload when mixing filters and routes
#4335 - Skip Quarkus build of integration tests when using -DskipTests
#4331 - Add support for named lambda request handlers
#4330 - quarkus.datasource.* defined with :
#4329 - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when OpenAPI is enabled and enums are used in a JAX-RS endpoint
#4328 - Add the implementation for the RestClient configKey parameter
#4327 - Force = /tmp for native executable
#4323 - Minor - remove comma
#4321 - gradle project generation does not include gradle wrapper
#4314 - Vertx web - use shared BodyHandler instance
#4312 - Update SmallRye Reactive Messaging version to 1.0.7
#4310 - Update the type of Http Request we get in a filter
#4309 - Update Security docs and properties files
#4306 - Update the kafka-quickstart guide
#4305 - Fixes for JWT auth
#4304 - Prevent Vert.x/RESTeasy hang if HTTP URL handler is not installed
#4303 - Remove unused class
#4302 - Support customization of the project name and version in logs
#4301 - Add support for the configKey parameter for RegisterRestClient annotation
#4297 - Add ability to produce overridable build items
#4294 - Vertx web - shared BodyHandler instance
#4291 - Fixes #4218
#4290 - Improve kubernetes-client and opentracing guides
#4288 - MP CP TCK addition
#4286 - Add a quarkus.http.root-path property that controls where everything is mounted
#4283 - Fix typo
#4282 - ORM update, paving road for more persistence optimisations
#4277 - TCK for MicroProfile OpenTracing
#4276 - Add the Jaeger config reference to the guide
#4273 - Add Elytron security JDBC extension
#4271 - Remove Undertow dependencies from Elytron
#4270 - Enhanced conditional BuildStep
#4269 - Fix netty unsafe usage
#4263 - Update to smallrye-jwt-2.0.9
#4261 - Add an extension supporting Narayana STM applications
#4260 - An extension providing Narayana Software Transactional Memory
#4255 - Make sure RESTeasy will send a challenge
#4252 - Fix order based test failures in hibernate-orm/deployment module
#4251 - Test netty unsafe
#4250 - Clarify graalvm is optional in ext author guide
#4247 - RESTeasy is creating a new RoutingContext
#4240 - Avoid contention on lookup of UserTransaction and TransactionManager
#4239 - High contention on @transactional annotated methods
#4238 - Some integration tests don't run by default, but have no docs to explain how to run them
#4237 - Publish the "debug build process" port during native image generation
#4236 - Attempt to initialize the buffer pool in a lazy manner
#4235 - Review a quarkus-vertx-keycloak module name
#4234 - Ensure that resteasy rest-client uses QuarkusInjectorFactory as well
#4230 - Optimize serving of static classpath resources
#4229 - Working Directory for mvnw compile quarkus:dev
#4226 - smallrye-jwt does not work on top of vertx
#4225 - Ban commons-logging, log4j and slf4j implementations from build
#4223 - Allow additional classes to be easily registered for reflection
#4222 - The SmallRye JWT extension depends on Undertow.
#4221 - Wire up @authenticated when used with JAX-RS
#4220 - Local variables minor fix
#4217 - Add support for user filters
#4216 - Bytecode recorded embedded return values test
#4212 - Allow easy customization of Jackson’s ObjectMapper and JsonbConfig
#4210 - Tests that static resources are served from a sub directory
#4207 - chore: use emptyString() instead of deprecated isEmptyString() in org.hamcrest.Matchers
#4204 - Jta preboot
#4203 - Align the MongoDB with Panache guide to the name of the quickstart
#4201 - docs: use maven wrapper in AMQP guide
#4199 - Upgrade to RESTEasy 4.3.1.Final
#4198 - Stuck hibernate-orm-resteasy QS when running with Quarkus master in native mode
#4197 - Is documentation of OpenTracing UDP Sender wrong?
#4196 - Avoid creating a Jsonb each time in Mongo Panache
#4195 - Improvements to hibernate and hibernate with panache guides
#4191 - Handle exceptions correctly in the vertx input/output
#4187 - Inject a single KubernetesMockServer in the test class hierarchy
#4186 - Add Artemis JMS documentation
#4184 - Bump artemis-jms to 2.10.0
#4182 - Add validation for producer methods/fields and add automated test.
#4179 - Account for more complex throws exception types on proxies.
#4178 - ClientProxyGenerator - handle thrown exception types correctly
#4177 - Validate unproxyable bean types of normal scoped producers
#4174 - Migrate Metrics extension to a vert.x route
#4173 - Vert.x threads block after brief load testing
#4171 - Log the H2 DB server status to provide more details on its state and URL
#4168 - Ensure maven integration tests don't fail due to clashing random file name generation
#4167 - Register any additional necessary providers for server sent event @produce (s)
#4165 - feat(rest-json): emits a warning during build time if we detect the need of a json extension and none is provided
#4159 - Make Metrics extension use Vert.x instead of Servlets
#4158 - [#4110 ] Remove unnecessary dependency in MP Metrics REST TCK
#4157 - Helpful error message when there is no JSON extension in the classpath and @produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) is used
#4155 - Arc - add logging for interceptors/alternatives without @priority . Fi…
#4154 - Align Kogito components versions in Quarkus
#4148 - chore: minor cleanup in QuarkusDevModeTest
#4146 - Add a priority attribute to FilterBuildItem to sort the filters
#4145 - [issue#4126] - include the path of the file which triggered an IOException
#4144 - add a note about ExtensionSslNativeSupportBuildItem and NativeEnableAllCharsetsBuildItem build items in the extension authors guide
#4143 - hide a TODO comment from the website and review the command for debugging generated classes
#4142 - Rename undertow-build-items module to undertow-spi
#4140 - Support random test port
#4139 - Proposed Maven version is 3.6.2
#4136 - refactor: move repeatable annotations to their respective targets
#4135 - fix(dev-mode): live reload failing with Zip archives generated by due to time zone issue.
#4130 - fix: build warning
#4129 - Unify how Arc attemps to load classes from Index, add logging for missing classes
#4127 - Improve contributing doc
#4126 - "Failed to inject extension deployment dependencies: zip END header not found" error should mention the corrupt jar in my local maven repo
#4118 - Fix #4115 Make vertx-web handleFileUploads, uploadsDirectory, bodyLim…
#4115 - Make vertx-web handleFileUploads, uploadsDirectory, bodyLimit. etc. configurable
#4113 - Properly manage the order of Vert.x filters
#4112 - Fully convert Arc to JUnit 5.
#4111 - Removal of explicit version definition, depending on BOM defined ones
#4110 - Clean up dependency version overrides in MP Metrics TCK
#4105 - Arc - fully move testing to Junit5
#4104 - Follow Spring Data JPA naming convention in fragments
#4086 - Update of REST Assured to 4.1.1
#4083 - TCK for MP Reactive Messaging
#4080 - Arc - add better handling of non-indexed classes we encounter
#4078 - Fixes #4072
#4075 - Implement @ConfigProperties as a way to group related properties and inject with minimum boilerplate
#4072 - Improve usability of quarkus.hibernate-orm.sql-load-script
#4064 - Live reload failing with Zip archives generated by due to time zone issues
#4062 - Remove Servlet dependency from the Health and OpenAPI Extensions
#4052 - RESTEasy on Vert.x by default
#4050 - add support of config doc sections
#4045 - Support config doc sections
#3980 - Build smallrye-reactive-messaging MediatorConfiguration at build time
#3767 - Clarify behavior of interceptors/alternatives without @priority
#3764 - Bring in new quarkus-security API
#3671 - Provides extension health via builditem
#3666 - New HTTP layer checklist
#3650 - Add MongoDB with Panache extension
#3646 - Resteasy without vertx - Add Error Page support
#3600 - Remove Jackson and Jackson Databind dependencies from the low-leven HTTP layer
#3555 - Start using Gradle Tooling API
#3497 - Use gradle model instead of string parsing for manipulating gradle files
#3441 - OIDC adapter should reuse Quarkus CORS filter
#3316 - Allow configuring debug port in quarkus:dev without suspending JVM
#3099 - Multiple handlers for amazon-lambda extension
#2952 - Support for weak build item production and virtual build items
#2951 - Add support for weak build item producers
#2773 - NullPointerException using @Provider in MP Rest Client
#2686 - Native image generation fails with 'Invalid signature file digest' if 'uberJar' is enabled
#2336 - Broken pipe (Write failed) using Hibernate ORM and MariaDB
#2269 - Random port configuration of port in tests
#2176 - Kafka Guide does not work
#1893 - WWW-Authenticate Header missing
#1829 - Support customization of the project name and version in logs
#1793 - publish gradle plugin to the gradle plugin portal
#294 - Add logging bridges
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