Major changes
#553 - Support JUnit 5 and allow legacy JUnit 4
#540 - Port "remove unused beans" optimization from Weld
#511 - Add support for SQL script file being picked up at Hibernate ORM start time
Complete changelog
#610 - Switch to upstream ORM
#608 - ArC AnnotationsTransformer - clarify javadoc
#607 - Javadoc follow up to #602
#606 - ArC AnnotationsTransformer - clarify method param annotations transformations
#604 - Update Extension Authors Guide - 6. Testing Extensions
#603 - #602 extract RunnerJarPhase from AugmentPhase
#602 - Extract RunnerJarPhase from AugmentPhase
#600 - Fixes #599 , hot deployment does not work on JDK11
#599 - Hot deployment does not work on JDK11
#598 - shamrock:dev -Ddebug uses client mode not server mode
#597 - Update docs to JUnit 5
#596 - Evaluate the implementation a starter.*.io for public release
#595 - Clarify our testing strategy and approach
#586 - Generate shared annotation literals properly
#581 - provisioning prototype, including pom-based provisioning state
#580 - Getting started guide points to the old repository
#579 - Interceptor injection points are not taken into account when determin…
#578 - Fixes #542 , add some docs on the substrate build items
#577 - Fix warning about deprecated parameter
#576 - Fixes #575 , make the resource leak detector initialized at runtime
#575 - Netty leak detector can cause native image build to randomly fail
#574 - Move the ObjectSubstitution class from deployment to runtime module
#573 - org.jboss.shamrock.deployment.recording.ObjectSubstitution should be moved to runtime module
#572 - Some fixes in the maven plugin
#571 - Create a JUnit 5 Internal module and post ShamrockUnitTest for our in…
#567 - ArC - add basic validation for normal scoped beans
#566 - Remove app from getting started test doc
#563 - Add simple Spring DI support
#561 - Skip shamrock:dev on projects that do not have the build goal configured
#556 - Shamrock should allow to change the testing port or select the next available port
#553 - Support JUnit 5 and allow legacy JUnit 4
#552 - ArC - add "remove unused beans" optimization
#551 - centos-graal Dockerfile - using 1.0.0-rc11
#549 - Make ArC add the no-arg constructor or raise better error message when no-arg constructor is not present
#548 - Add support for single non no-arg constructor injection without @Inject
#547 - Fix #544 - ensure the debug port is positive
#545 - Add MP-Metrics support for Jaeger
#544 - shamrock:dev allows debug port 0 to be used
#542 - Extension writing guide does not mention how to add a resource for inclusion in native image
#540 - Port "remove unused beans" optimization from Weld
#539 - No longer need the workaround to disable Validator extensions for JavaFX
#538 - Address #511 Support for import.sql and related property in JPA with no persistence.xml
#537 - Fail explicitly if no persistence.xml
is present and no dialect can be guessed from the driver
#534 - Make ShamrockUnitTest honor ShamrockTestResource
#532 - Undertow 2.0.17.Final
#531 - Running shamrock:dev from parent maven module
#529 - Remove Undertow dependency from ArC
#527 - NPE when running shamrock:create in existing Maven project
#525 - ArC generates a lot of AnnotationLiteral resources
#524 - Undertow should depend on ArC and not vice versa
#511 - Add support for SQL script file being picked up at Hibernate ORM start time
#504 - Consider to add resteasy-client dependency to shamrock-jaxrs-deployment
#482 - Jaeger: Support real metrics factory (currently NoopFactory)
#479 - ShamrockUnitTest not Windows friendly
#478 - ShamrockUnitTest not Windows friendly
#280 - Unify version properties names in build-parent
You can’t perform that action at this time.