This project aims to help midwife ultrasound technician to manage his patients. A pregnancy wheel is used to compute key dates in pregnancy like pregnancy term.
This project is a POC so there is still a lot to do and improve.
You must have a NodeJS environement to run this project. First, install dependencies :
npm i
To run this app in development mode :
npm run dev
To build app in production mode and launch it in local environment, run :
npm run build
npm run preview
Setup tests : with Jest library and fast-check to use Property Based Testing. First, the goal is to test behavior in reducers. We can use redux-loop simulating to develop our tests : Redux-loop simulating
Improve User Interface : I focused on functionality first.
Improve React/Redux architecture : For example, I used containers and hooks to select an entity on global state, I need to choose between these two approachs.
Improve CI/CD
Develop an interface to upload images
Develop an interface of messaging between patient and a professional
Quentin Burg