This repo is the gazeo simulation of RobotX competition and is based on vmrc
- Install dependencies the shellscript will install the gazebo plugins and python pkgs which we need.
$ source
- catkin_make
$ cd ~/robotx_gazebo/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make
- Hardware
- Front rgb camera * 3 (1280*720)
- dynamincs and thruster * 2
- Software
- p3d (3D Position Interface for Ground Truth)
- Environment
- wind
- wave
- Hardware
- Tasks Models
- Ocean
- Sky
- sandisland
- Green, Yellow, Red, Green buoys
- Light buoys
- Black buoys with A3, A5, A7
- Dock with 3 colors and 3 shapes
- Detect and deliever buoy
the world is about coarse approximation of the RobotX competition area, Sand Island, Honolulu, HI.
$ source
$ roslaunch robotx_gazebo sandisland_nctu.launch
there are 3 ways that can control the WAM-V
- rostopic pub
$ rostopic pub --once /cmd_drive robotx_gazebo/UsvDrive '{left: 0.5, right: -0.5}'
- Keyboard
roslaunch robotx_gazebo usv_keydrive.launch
- Joytick
robotx_gazebo usv_diffdrive.launch
- Add sensors on robot
please make the xacro file under vmrc/robotx_gazebo/urdf, and include the file in wamv_description/wamv_robotx_nctu.xacro - Build the worlds about task
please save the file under vmrc/robotx_gazebo/worlds and chanege the arg "world" in vmrc/robotx_gazebo/sandisland_nctu.launch - Add models or 3D file such like buoys, *.dae ......
please save the file under vmrc/robotx_gazebo/models
- Tony Hsiao [email protected]