This project shows how to unit test some Java code sending e-mail. If you want a quick overview, just take a look at the simple test class src/test/../
For more details read through.
The test code uses Wiser as an SMTP in memory server. Add this dependency to your project :
testCompile 'org.subethamail:subethasmtp:3.1.7'
In the test setup, you can now instantiate the SMTP server :
Wiser inMemorySmtpServer = new Wiser();
You can then read the emails send during the tests :
And write some assertions (this example uses AssertJ):
.extracting("envelopeSender", "envelopeReceiver", "mimeMessage.content")
tuple("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "Bonjour, pour tes 28 ans l'équipe te souhaite un très bon anniversaire !" + System.lineSeparator()),
tuple("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "Bonjour, pour tes 28 ans l'équipe te souhaite un très bon anniversaire !" + System.lineSeparator())
Don't forget to cleanup the server between tests :
public void afterTest(){