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CatCat Chatbot is here to help you securely transfer your coins


Hot wallets



cd firebase
firebase init


Basic bank

  • Can create wallet
  • Can and link it with Facebook Messenger user.
  • Can show current balance of each wallet.
  • Can validate wallet address.
  • Can transfer coins at lowest rate or fastest time use.
  • Can notify when transaction complete.

Advance bank

  • Can use 2 factors before transfer.
  • Can schedule transfer w/ or w/o multisig.

Basic trade

  • Can check current coins exchange rate.
  • Can draw price chart.
  • Can draw current price charts.
  • Can give basic information about coin.

Advance trade

  • Can draw floor and ceiling chart.
  • Can give signal before price go up.
  • Can notify high profit ICO.


Will handle chat related


  • $omg // To get OMG price in THB.
  • $omg eth // To get OMG price in ETH.
  • $ // To begin flow of $ command and list last or top 4 symbols.
  • $$ // To repeat last $ command.


  • ? // To ask for help.
  • ?$ // To ask for help about $.
  • ?# // To ask for help about #.
  • ?- // To ask for help about -.
  • ?+ // To ask for help about +.
  • ?! // To ask for help about !.
  • ?~ // To ask for help about ~.
  • ?^ // To ask for help about ^.
  • ?omg // To ask for information about OMG.


  • - // To begin flow of - command.
  • -100 omg @katopz // To send 100 as OMG to user name @katopz.
  • -- // To repeat last - command with prompt for to targeted user.
  • -omg // To send OMG with prompt for value then to targeted user.
  • -100 omg // To send 100 as OMG with prompt for to targeted user.


  • + // To begin flow of + command.
  • +100 omg @katopz // To request for 100 as OMG from user name @katopz.
  • ++ // To repeat last + command with prompt for to targeted user.
  • +omg // To request OMG with prompt for value then to targeted user.
  • +100 omg // To request 100 as OMG with prompt for to targeted user.


  • # // To begin flow of # command and list last or top 4 symbols.
  • #omg // To see OMG chart.
  • ## // To repeat last # command.
  • #omg xzc // To see OMG chart against XZC.


  • ~ // To begin flow of ~ command and list last or top 4 symbols.
  • ~omg // To get forecast about OMG.
  • ~~ // To repeat last ~ command.


  • = // To begin flow of = command.
  • =+ // To create new wallet, will show ETH, XLM options.
  • =+eth // To create new ETH wallet.
  • =+xlm // To create new XLM wallet.
  • =- // To show list for remove wallet.


  • ^omg // To prompt for value as OMG and show profit as %.
  • ^omg% // To prompt for value as OMG and show profit as %.
  • ^omg thb // To prompt for value as OMG and show profit as thb.
  • ^+100 omg // To prompt for price and 100 OMG then add it to port.
  • ^+100 omg 123 // To add 100 OMGat 123 THB to port and show summary.
  • ^+100 omg 123 usd // To add 100 OMGat 123 USD to port and show summary.
  • ^-100 omg 345 thb // To remove 100 OMGat 345 THB to port and show summary.
  • ^bx.csv // To prompt for choose bx-*.csv file from bx and show summary.
  • ^ // To begin flow of ^ command and list last or top 4 symbols.
  • ^^ // To repeat last ^ command.
  • ^* // To show portfolio summary.
  • ^# // To show portfolio history.
    💵 PORTFOLIO - 2017/12/23 16:30:11
    OMG 100/300 = 300% (+200 THB)
    ETH 100/200 = 200% (+100 THB)
    Profit 500% (+300 THB)
  • ^omg? // To show summary for OMG.
    # Gain
    You have 1 OMG at 100 THB
    Current price from BX is 300 THB 
    So you have +300% profit gain!
    +200 THB) Congrats!
    # Lost
    You have 1 OMG at 100 THB
    Current price from BX is 50 THB
    So you have -50% profit lost, Cheers up!


  • * // To begin flow of * command and list last or top 4 symbols.
  • *omg // To get news about OMG
  • ** // To repeat last * command.


  • ! // To begin flow of ! command and list last or top 4 symbols.
  • !omg>5% // To alert when OMG price up 5% from now.
  • !omg<5% // To alert when OMG price down 5% from now.
  • !omg<300 // To alert when OMG price less then 300.
  • !omg>300 // To alert when OMG price more then 300.
  • !! // To repeat last ! command.


  • % // To begin flow of % command and list last or top 4 exchanges.
  • %% // To repeat last % command.
  • %bitfinex // To select bitfinex


Will handle coins related


Ethereum Hot Wallets

  • Can create ETH wallet.
  • Can show ETH wallet.
  • Can access ETH wallet.
  • Can send ETH via @username.
  • Can send USD as ETH.
  • Can send THB as ETH.
  • Can receive ETH.
  • Can show sending transaction.
  • Can show sent transaction.
  • Can send/receive ETH via email as link callback.
  • Can request ETH via email as link callback.
  • Can request ETH via @username.
  • Can send ETH via public key.


Stellar Hot Wallets

  • Can use ETH to create XLM wallet.
  • Can show/manage XLM wallet.
  • Can send/receive/request XLM.


Web Warm Wallets

  • Can verify email
  • 2factor with email : Can send mail about wallet and secret
  • [web] Can add ETH/XLM wallet from public key.
  • [web] Can ask for private key to unlock/sign tx.
  • [web] Can use metamask for unlock/sign tx.
  • [web] Can remove wallets.




  • Can create schedule transfer.
  • Can cancel scheduled transfer.