This is a REST application that translates English sentences into Pig Latin. The rules and instructions for the Pig Latin translation were obtained from the Pig Latin exercise on the Exercism Java Track.
The application was created to experiment with the API-first approach: the OpenAPI specification was created first, then the code was generated for Spring, and finally, custom code was added that depends on the generated code.
Before opening the code for editing, run the following command to generate the necessary code:
mvn clean compile
This command cleans the project, compiles the source code, and generates the code that the custom code depends on. After running this command, you should be able to open the code without getting any error messages.
To run the application locally, use the following command:
mvn clean compile spring-boot:run
This will start the application on localhost:8080. You can access the Swagger UI at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/ and the application endpoint at http://localhost:8080/pig-latin.
The application is deployed on Azure at
You can use the simple web interface and the Swagger UI.
Please note that the application is deployed on the free-tier F1 plan. This means that if the application is in sleep mode, it may take about a minute for the first API call to wake it up. Subsequent API calls should be faster.
The application includes API tests written with frameworks:
To run the Bruno API tests, use the following commands:
cd bruno-test
npm run test
Successful test report:
Failed test report:
Note - Bruno's script support might also be used for light test automation based on project specifics.
Successful test report:
Failed test report:
To run the Karate API tests, use the following command:
mvn clean test -Dtest=TestRunner
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