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{\stylesheet{\s1\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\snext1 Normal;}
{\s2\sb240\sa120\keepn\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\rtlch\afs28\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\langfe2052\hich\f2\fs28\lang1033\loch\f2\fs28\lang1033\sbasedon1\snext3 Heading;}
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{\*\cs9\cf0\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 Numbering Symbols;}
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{\info{\creatim\yr2011\mo1\dy16\hr22\min0}{\revtim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\printim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\comment StarWriter}{\vern3200}}\deftab709
{\pgdsc0\pgdscuse195\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn15840\marglsxn1134\margrsxn1134\margtsxn1134\margbsxn1134\pgdscnxt0 Standard;}}
\pard\plain \ltrpar\s1\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa283\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033{\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b{\*\cs8\cf0\rtlch\ltrch\dbch\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\b\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\b Vivox Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)}}{\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0  }
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 1.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\ls0\li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0 BACKGROUND: Users of the online voice services provided by Vivox, Inc. (\'93Vivox\'94) (the \'93Service\'94), through the act of utilizing the Service, agree to adhere to this Acceptable Use Policy (the \'93Policy\'94). Vivox reserves the right to immediately terminate a us
er\'92s access to the Service if the user engages in any of the activities prohibited by this Policy or uses the Service contrary to this Policy. Each user is responsible for all activities conducted under its account. The user is also responsible for adherin
g to any policy set forth by any other service provider accessed through the Service; Vivox, and its suppliers and providers, assume no responsibility or liability for a user\'92s failure to comply with the Policy. The user acknowledges that Vivox may have ac
cess to information about or provided by the user, including diagnostic information sent automatically after a problem or error, and agrees to such access and use.}
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 2.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0 PROHIBITED USES AND ACTIVITIES: Users shall not provide inaccurate or misleading information to Vivox or use the Service to: (i) access any other person's computer or computer system, software, or data without their knowledge and consent; or breach the sec
urity of another user; or attempt to circumvent the user authentication or security of any host, network, system, or account, which includes, but is not limited to, accessing data not intended for the user, logging into or making use of a server or account
 the user is not expressly authorized to access, or probing the security of other hosts, networks, or accounts; or use automated means (such as robots and spiders) to obtain information from Vivox\'92s website or, though it, from other websites; (ii) interfer
e with computer networking or telecommunications service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, denial of service attacks, flooding of a network, overloading a service, improper seizing and abuse of operator privileges and attempts to
 "crash" a host; (iii) violate the rules, regulations, or policies applicable to any network, server, computer database, or service that accessed by the user; (iv) transmit, re-transmit, or store any content or to engage in any activity that infringes the 
intellectual property rights or privacy rights of Vivox or any individual, group or entity, including but not limited to any rights protected by any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, trade dress, right of privacy, right of publicity, moral rights
 or other intellectual property right now known or later recognized by statute, judicial decision or regulation; (v) host, post, transmit, or re-transmit any content or material that is threatening, harassing, obscene, indecent, pornographic, hateful, mali
cious, racist, defamatory, libelous, treasonous, excessively violent or promotes the use of violence, or provides instruction, information or assistance in causing or carrying out violence against any government, organization, group or individual, or provi
des guidance, information or assistance with respect to causing damage or security breaches to or Vivox's network or to the network of any other service provider; (vi) commit an act that constitutes a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability, or oth
erwise violates any applicable local, state, federal or international law, or (vii) encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, federal or international law.}
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 3.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0 SECURITY: In all cases, the user is solely responsible for the security of any device or application it chooses to connect to the Service, including any data stored on or communications passed. }
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 4.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0 TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS. \'93Vivox,\'94 \'93Powered by Vivox\'94 and similar marks are the property of Vivox. All other names, graphics, logos, marks and trade names used in connection with this Service, are the property of their owners and suppliers and may not be 
used without permission for any purpose. The copyright in the Vivox website and Service and all related materials are owned by Vivox or its suppliers unless otherwise stated. }
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 5.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033{\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b\*\cs8\cf0\rtlch\ltrch\dbch\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\b\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\b DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS," AND PROVIDER AND VIVOX HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION (I) WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND
 NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND (II) ANY WARRANTIES CONCERNING THE SECURITY, RELIABILITY OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICE. Certain states prohibit the disclaimer of warranties in certain cases, so the above may not apply to all users in all instances.\line \line THE DOWNLOADING
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 6.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033{\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b\*\cs8\cf0\rtlch\ltrch\dbch\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\b\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\b EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, VIVOX SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY AND PUNITIVE DAMAGES, RESULTING FROM THE USE OR PROVISION OF THE SERVICE, EVEN IF THE 
POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES IS KNOWN. Certain states prohibit the limitation of liability in certain cases, so the above may not apply to the user in all instances.}
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 7.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0 ENFORCEMENT OF THIS POLICY: Vivox does not routinely monitors the activity of Service accounts for violation of this Policy. Vivox reserves the right at any time to monitor usage, transmissions, and content from time to time to operate the Service; to iden
tify violations of this Policy; and/or to protect the network, the Service and/or other users. If the Service is used in a way that Vivox, in their sole discretion, believe violate this Policy, it may take any responsive actions they deem appropriate, incl
uding, but are not limited to, the immediate suspension or termination of all or any portion of the Service. Vivox will have no liability for any of these responsive actions. These actions are not exclusive remedies and Vivox may take any other legal or te
chnical action deemed appropriate. The user expressly authorizes Vivox to cooperate with (i) law enforcement authorities in the investigation of suspected legal violations, and (ii) any system administrators at other Internet service providers or other net
work or computing facilities in order to enforce this Policy. This cooperation may include making available personally identifiable information about users to law enforcement or system administrators. The failure to enforce this Policy, for whatever reason
 or for no reason, shall not be construed as a waiver of any right to do so at any time. The user agrees that if any portion of this Policy is held invalid or unenforceable, such portion will be construed consistent with applicable law as nearly as possibl
e, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. The user agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Vivox and its affiliates, suppliers, providers, and agents against all claims and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) resul
ting from users engaging in any of the prohibited activities listed in this Policy or resulting from users violating the Policy or any other posted policy related to the Service. The foregoing user indemnification will survive any termination of the user\'92s
 agreements with Vivox .}
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 8.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0 ARBITRATION. Except for the right of a party to seek equitable relief, any disputes arising under or related to this Agreement (\'93Dispute\'94), excluding any Dispute relating to the validity or infringement of any intellectual property right, will be resolved 
by negotiation, mediation and, if necessary, arbitration, as follows. The party raising such Dispute will promptly advise the other party in writing describing in reasonable detail the nature of such Dispute (\'93Notice of Dispute\'94). The parties will negotiat
e in good faith to resolve the Dispute, but if they have not done so within thirty (30) days, the parties will submit the Dispute to a mutually agreed mediation organization. If the parties are unable to resolve the Dispute within sixty (60) days after del
ivery of the Notice of Dispute, then the Dispute will be resolved by a single arbitrator in a final and binding arbitration under the then current procedural rules of the American Arbitration Association. All proceedings will be conducted in the English la
nguage in Boston, Massachusetts. The arbitrator will have no power to modify the terms or conditions of this Agreement, or to award punitive damages. Any award rendered in such arbitration may be enforced by either party in any Court of competent jurisdict
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 9.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0 GENERAL TERMS. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. No agency, partnership, joint venture, employment or franchise relationship is intended or created by this Agreement. This AUP constitute the entire agreement betwe
en the parties concerning the use of the Service. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the least extent needed to make the provision enforceable; the remaining terms of this Agreement shall remain 
in full force and effect. Vivox reserves the right to disclose any information about any user as required by a court order or as recommended by counsel in the context of any action by any government entity or other third party.}
\par \pard\plain {\listtext\pard\plain \li707\ri0\lin707\rin0\fi-283\sa120 10.\tab}\ilvl0 \ltrpar\s3\cf0{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\sa120\rtlch\af4\afs24\lang1081\ltrch\dbch\af3\langfe2052\hich\f0\fs24\lang1033\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033 {\rtlch \ltrch\loch\f0\fs24\lang1033\i0\b0 CHANGES TO THIS POLICY. Vivox may revise its Acceptable Use Policy from time to time without prior notice. Any changes will be presented in the latest version at the Vivox web site. All revised copies of the Policy are effective immediately upon a user\'92s f
irst use of the Service after the change has been posted.}
\par }


Windows installer and Vivox windows redistributable





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