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These are my *nix dotfiles.

I am no longer using emacs so I don't know if it will work directly or if it needs some fixes

Currently I am using i3wm as my X11 window manager. Bellow you cand find some keybindings to use it.

  • Alt + h moves the focus to the left.

  • Alt + j moves the focus down.

  • Alt + k moves the focus up.

  • Alt + l moves the focus to the right.

  • This will also work with arrow keys.

  • Alt + Enter opens a new terminal.

  • Alt + Shift + Enter open neovim.

  • Alt + d exec dmenu.

  • Alt + q quits focused window.

  • Alt + p exec passmenu.

  • Alt + y exec clipmenu.

  • Alt + Shift + m multimedia control mode.

  • Alt + Esc i3 session manager mode.

My editor is neovim, to use YouCompleteMe plugin you will need to run The steps are:

cd ~/.config/nvim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/

If you use the packages scripts in this repository it will run without problems.

alacritty is my terminal emulator and tmux helps me to manage multiple terminals, sessions, etc.

How to use this repository:

Debian based distros

git clone dotfiles
cd dotfiles
./ # Optional

Fedora/RedHad Linux

git clone dotfiles
cd dotfiles
./ # Opcional

Arch Linux

git clone dotfiles
cd dotfiles
./ # Opcional