This is a webrtc, websockets and opencv experiment developed during a athega hackday.
Frames are captured from the web camera via webrtc and sent to the server over websockets. On the server the frames are processed with opencv and a json response is sent back to the client.
Sample json response:
"face": {
"distance": 428.53381034802453,
"coords": {
"y": "39",
"x": "121",
"height": "137",
"width": "137"
"name": "mike"
Everything except distance
is pretty self explanatory.
is the predicted name of the person in front of the camera. -
is where the face is found in the image. -
is a measurement on how accurate the prediction is, lower is better.
If we can't get a reliable prediction (10 consecutive frames that contains a face and with a distance lower than 1000) we switch over to training mode. In training mode we capture 10 images and send them together with a name back to the server for retraining. After the training has been completed we switch back to recognition mode and hopefully we'll get a more accurate result.
Make sure the dependencies are met.
- SQLite
- OpenCV with python bindings (I'm using the trunk version)
- Tornado
- Peewee
- scikit-learn (for running the crossvalidation)
Create the database by issuing the following in the data folder sqlite3 images.db < ../db/create_db.sql
Download the AT&T face database and extract it to data/images
before the server is started. This is needed to build the initial prediction model.
cd data
tar zxvf att_faces.tar.Z
mv att_faces images
Copy haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
from <path to opencv source>/data/haarcascades/
to the data folder.
Run with python
and browse to http://localhost:8888 when the model has been trained.