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PS: I am no longer maintaining this utility due to time constraints. Any pull requests or issues will not be attended

calabash parallel execution

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Run calabash-android or calabash-ios tests in parallel on multiple connected devices. This is inspired by parallel_tests

eg. Android: bundle exec parallel_calabash --apk my.apk -o'--format pretty' features/ --serialize-stdout
eg. iOS: bundle exec parallel_calabash --app -o'--format pretty' features/ --serialize-stdout


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'parallel_calabash'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install parallel_calabash

Usage Android

Usage: parallel_calabash [options]

Example: parallel_calabash -a my.apk -o 'cucumber_opts_like_tags_profile_etc_here' features/

-h, --help                       Show this message
-v, --version                    Show version
-a, --apk apk_path               apk file path
-o, --cucumber_opts '[OPTIONS]'  execute with those cucumber options
-f, --filter                     Filter devices to run tests against using partial device id or model name matching. Multiple filters seperated by ','
--serialize-stdout               Serialize stdout output, nothing will be written until everything is done
--group-by-scenarios             Distribute equally as per scenarios. This uses cucumber dry run
--concurrent                     Run tests concurrently. Each test will run once on each device.

Usage iOS

Example: parallel_calabash --app --ios_config ~/.parallel_calabash.iphoneos -o '-cucumber -opts' -r '-cucumber -reports>' features/

-h, --help                       Show this message
-v, --version                    Show version
    --app app_path               app file path
    --device_target target       ios target if no .parallel-calabash config
    --device_endpoint endpoint   ios endpoint if no .parallel-calabash config
    --simulator type             for simctl create, e.g. ''
    --ios_config file            for ios, configuration for devices and users
-d, --distribution-tag tag       divide features into groups as per occurrence of given tag
-f, --filter filter              Filter devices to run tests against keys or values in config. Multiple filters seperated by ','
    --skip_ios_ping_check        Skip the connectivity test for iOS devices
-o, --cucumber_opts '[OPTIONS]'  execute with those cucumber options
-r '[REPORTS]',                  generate these cucumber reports (not during filtering)
    --serialize-stdout           Serialize stdout output, nothing will be written until everything is done
    --concurrent                 Run tests concurrently. Each test will run once on each device
    --group-by-scenarios         Distribute equally as per scenarios. This uses cucumber dry run

iOS set-up

  • iOS testing is only supported on MacOS hosts.
  • Create as many (Administrator-privileged!) test accounts as you have devices or want simulators (Settings > Users & Groups)
  • As the main user, the one that runs parallel_calabash, create ~/.parallel_calabash.iphonesimulator and/or ~/.parallel_calabash.iphoneos

As follows:

  USERS: [ 'tester1', 'tester2', 'tester3' ],
  INIT: '[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"',
  # You only need to specify the port if the default clashes for you. Simulators start sequentially from this.
  # You only need to give the test users' password if you want to run autostart_test_users
  # PASSWORD: 'testuserspassword',
  # You only need to set this if you want to run autostart_test_users and the default 6900 clashes with something.
  # VNC_FORWARD: 6900,
  # Omit 'DEVICES' entirely if you're only testing on simulators.
      NAME: 'ios-iphone5c-tinkywinkie (8.4.1)',
      DEVICE_TARGET: '23984729837401987239874987239',
      NAME: 'ios-iphone6plus-lala (8.4)',
      DEVICE_TARGET: 'c987234987983458729375923485792345',
      NAME: 'ios-iphone6plus-dipsy (8.4.1)',
      DEVICE_TARGET: '98723498792873459872398475982347589',
  • As the main account, run ssh-keygen
  • As each test account:
  1. Use Screen Sharing to log in to the user's desktop (particularly if you're using simulators) to let the computer set it up.
  2. Settings > Sharing > Remote Login > Allow access for main account (if not already permitted by Remote Management)
  3. Copy ~main_account/.ssh/ into each test account's ~tester1/.ssh/authorized_keys
  4. Any other set-up, e.g. ln -s /Users/main_account/.rvm ~/.rvm
  • If you don't want to test on simulators, your set-up stops here.
  • If you want to test on simulators too...
  • ... for each test user, Settings > Sharing > Screen sharing > Allow access (if not already permitted by Remote Management)
  • ... (we were suprised that a mac mini can cheerfully run upwards of 7 simulators without much struggle)
  • ... and as your primary user:
  1. Run: sudo defaults write skipLocalAddressCheck -boolean YES
  2. Run: ln -s ~/.parallel_config.iphonesimulator ~/.parallel_config.autostart (or whatever your simulators' config is called).
  3. Add a PASSWORD: 'whatever', in your config - same password for all test users.
  4. Copy misc/ from the Git repository into the system /Applications/ directory
  5. Run /Applications/autostart_test_users, skip the countdown, and see it complain about accessibility; close the connection request dialog
  6. In Settings > Privacy & Security > Privacy > Accessibility, allow it - close Settings
  7. Re-run it, skip the countdown, and it should open a screen sharing session for each test user.
  8. Add it into Settings > User & Groups > Login Items, set BOOT_DELAY if you need to tune the post-login startup time.


Filters are partial matches on the device id, or model name.

adb devices -l List of devices attached 4100142545f271b5 device usb:14200000 product:sltexx model:SM_G850F device:slte 4366432135f271c6 device usb:14200000 product:sltexx model:SM_G9901 device:slte emulator-5554 device product:sdk_phone_x86_64 model:Android_SDK_built_for_x86_64 device:generic_x86_64

To run against just the emulator: -f emulator To run against a device id list: -f 4100142545f271b5,4366432135f271c6


use ENV['TEST_PROCESS_NUMBER'] environment variable in your ruby scripts to find out the process number. you can use this for reporting purpose OR process specific action.

To get device model info, use ENV['DEVICE_INFO'] env variable.

eg. modify default profile in cucumber.yml as below to get different report from different process

default: --format html --out reports/Report_<%=ENV['DEVICE_INFO']%>_<%= ENV['TEST_PROCESS_NUMBER']%>.html --format pretty


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/parallel_calabash/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request