This project is a feature-rich, Twitter-inspired social networking application, developed for educational and learning purposes. It serves as a practical demonstration of how to build a modern, interactive platform with functionalities commonly found in social media.
- Create New Posts: Easily share your thoughts or ideas with others through a user-friendly interface.
- Explore All Posts: Discover posts from users across the platform, ensuring a connected and engaging experience.
- User Profile Pages: Every user gets a dedicated profile page displaying their posts and basic information, making it easier to personalize the platform.
- Follow/Unfollow Functionality: Stay updated by following your favorite users or curate your feed by unfollowing when needed.
- Post Pagination: Efficiently navigate through large volumes of content with smooth and dynamic pagination.
- Edit Posts: Modify your existing posts effortlessly to keep your content updated and relevant.
- Like/Unlike Posts: Interact with others' posts by liking or unliking them, fostering engagement and interaction.
This application is designed solely for educational purposes. It highlights key concepts in web development, including database interactions, user management, and dynamic content rendering, using modern frameworks and best practices.
This is not a production-ready application and is intended for demonstration and learning.
Docker Docker Compose Python 3.11
- Clone the repository
git clone
cd network_project
- Create a .venv file
Create a .venv file in the root of your project and add the following environment variables:
python -m venv .venv
- Build and run the Docker containers
Build and run the containers using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up --build
This command will:
Start a PostgreSQL database container using the db_social service.
Start a Django web application container using the web service.
- Apply database migrations
Run the following command to apply database migrations:
docker-compose run web python makemigrations
docker-compose run web python migrate
- Create a superuser
To create an admin user for accessing the Django admin panel, run:
docker-compose run web python createsuperuser
Follow the prompts to set up your admin user credentials. 6. Access the application
Once the containers are running, you can access the application at:
Web application: http://localhost:8000
Django Admin: http://localhost:8000/admin
Using Gunicorn
Gunicorn is used as the WSGI HTTP server to serve the Django application. It's configured to run in the web service of the Docker setup with the following command:
gunicorn project4.wsgi:application --bind
Customizing Gunicorn Settings
If you need to customize Gunicorn settings such as the number of worker processes or timeout settings, you can modify the command in the docker-compose.yml file under the web service. Running Tests
To run tests, use the following command:
docker-compose run web python test
Stopping the Application
To stop the Docker containers, run:
docker-compose down
The requirements.txt
file includes all necessary Python dependencies:
Project Structure
docker-compose.yml: Configuration for Docker Compose, which defines services for the database and web application.
Dockerfile: Defines the environment and instructions for building the Django web application container.
requirements.txt: Lists Python dependencies required for the project.
project4/ WSGI configuration used by Gunicorn to serve the Django application.
For deployment, the application is set up to use Gunicorn as the WSGI server, which is a common choice for running Python web applications in a production environment due to its performance and scalability.