This project is a Python database module for ODBC that implements the Python DB API 2.0 specification.
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This module requires:
- Python 2.4 or greater
- ODBC 3.0 or greater
On Windows, the easiest way to install is to use the Windows installers from:
Source can be obtained at
To build from source, either check the source out of version control or download a source extract and run:
python build install
The pyodbc.connect function accepts a single parameter: the ODBC connection string. This string is not read or modified by pyodbc, so consult the ODBC documentation or your ODBC driver's documentation for details. The general format is:
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=mydsn;UID=userid;PWD=pwd')
Connection caching in the ODBC driver manager is automatically enabled.
Call cnxn.commit() since the DB API specification requires a rollback when a connection is closed that was not specifically committed.
When a connection is closed, all cursors created from the connection are closed.
- Dates, times, and timestamps use the Python datetime module's date, time, and datetime classes. These classes can be passed directly as parameters and will be returned when querying date/time columns.
- Binary data is passed and returned in Python buffer objects.
- Decimal and numeric columns are passed and returned using the Python 2.4 decimal class.
Cursors are iterable and returns Row objects.
cursor.execute("select a,b from tmp") for row in cursor: print row
The DB API PEP does not specify the return type for Cursor.execute, so pyodbc tries to be maximally convenient:
If a SELECT is executed, the Cursor itself is returned to allow code like the following:
for row in cursor.execute("select a,b from tmp"): print row
If an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement is issued, the number of rows affected is returned:
count = cursor.execute("delete from tmp where a in (1,2,3)")
Otherwise (CREATE TABLE, etc.), None is returned.
An execute method has been added to the Connection class. It creates a Cursor and returns whatever Cursor.execute returns. This allows for the following:
for row in cnxn.execute("select a,b from tmp"): print row
rows = cnxn.execute("select * from tmp where a in (1,2,3)").fetchall()
Since each call creates a new Cursor, only use this when executing a single statement.
Both Cursor.execute and Connection.execute allow parameters to be passed as additional parameters following the query.
cnxn.execute("select a,b from tmp where a=? or a=?", 1, 2)
The specification is not entirely clear, but most other drivers require parameters to be passed in a sequence. To ensure compatibility, pyodbc will also accept this format:
cnxn.execute("select a,b from tmp where a=? or a=?", (1, 2))
Row objects are derived from tuple to match the API specification, but they also support accessing columns by name.
for row in cnxn.execute("select A,b from tmp"): print row.a, row.b
The following are not supported or are ignored: nextset, setinputsizes, setoutputsizes.
Values in Row objects can be replaced, either by name or index. Sometimes it is convenient to "preprocess" values.
row = cursor.execute("select a,b from tmp").fetchone() row.a = calc(row.a) row[1] = calc(row.b)
- This module should not require any 3rd party modules other than ODBC.
- Only built-in data types should be used where possible.
- Reduces the number of libraries to learn.
- Reduces the number of modules and libraries to install.
- Eventually a standard is usually introduced. For example, many previous database drivers used the mxDate classes. Now that Python 2.3 has introduced built-in date/time classes, using those modules is more complicated than using the built-ins.
- It should adhere to the DB API specification, but be maximally convenient where possible. The most common usages should be optimized for convenience and speed.