Hi! I'm Ram Jawade, a passionate frontend engineer with a strong interest in JavaScript, TypeScript frameworks, and libraries like Angular, NX, NgRx, Storybook, and Bazel. I'm constantly learning and exploring new technologies to build robust and scalable web applications.
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- Angular Development
- NX (Mono-repository management)
- NgRx (State Management for Angular)
- Storybook (UI Component Development & Testing)
- Bazel (Build & Test Automation)
I'm actively looking for opportunities to collaborate on open-source projects! Feel free to reach out if you have any projects that align with my skillset.
- Angular modularity guide - https://medium.com/@ram.dev/angular-modularity-guide-7cae69c69a5d
- Leaflet - Comming soon.
- Open https://ramjawade.github.io/open/
- CRUD demo https://ramjawade.github.io/gx-demo
- Sample Angular https://ramjawade.github.io/angular
- Sample Student https://ramjawade.github.io/student
- Citizen app demo WIP https://ramjawade.github.io/cpgr