This is a free thing. You may download this and use it to create your own website(s), as long as you abide by the license restrictions. As it specifies, there's no need to reference me, the creator of this work, on your own websites.
You may add additional components with the tool. Bootstrapr allows you to rapidly build custom Bootstrap 3 components, and even whole pages in seconds.
Enjoy! If you like this template, drop me a line and let me know!
The navbar and footer are included with javascript. This means that if you download this template and run it from your desktop, say, they'll seem to be missing. You'll only see them show if you're running it from a server, from hosting sites such as Netlify, Github Pages, Heroku, etc., or if you're viewing it from within a localhost server on your machine like Mamp/Wamp/Lamp.