My modification is, I made a copy of sample folder to sample_cv and also change CMakelist file to make it compile my sample code. There are UdpSender.cpp and UdpSender.hpp files that I added into src/ and include/ Those codes I got it from my colleague Mark Fassler, you can check the original code from his repo
The distance and angle data will be streamed out at 3101 port and Lidar map image will be streamed out at 3201 port.
SDK test application for YDLIDAR
Visit EAI Website for more details about YDLIDAR .
$ git clone
$ cd sdk
$ git checkout TG30
$ cd ..
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../sdk
$ make ###linux
$ vs open Project.sln ###windows
$ cd samples
$ ./ydlidar_test
$Lidar[ydlidar7] detected, whether to select current radar(yes/no)?:yes
$ ydlidar_test.exe
$Lidar[ydlidar7] detected, whether to select current radar(yes/no)?:yes
You should see YDLIDAR's scan result in the console:
[YDLidar]: YDLidar running correctly ! The health status is good
[YDLIDAR] Connection established in [/dev/ttyUSB0]:
Firmware version: 1.0.5
Hardware version: 2
Model: TG30
Serial: 2018112000000017
[YDLidar]: [YDLIDAR INFO] Current Sampling Rate : 20K
[YDLidar]: [YDLIDAR INFO] Current Scan Frequency : 8.000000Hz
[YDLidar]: [YDLIDAR INFO] Now YDLIDAR is scanning ......
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813311357484110]: 2087 ranges is [8.629041]Hz
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813311481785110]: 2309 ranges is [7.799038]Hz
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813311611886110]: 2348 ranges is [7.669442]Hz
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813311744358110]: 2380 ranges is [7.566280]Hz
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813311879407110]: 2406 ranges is [7.484483]Hz
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813312016237110]: 2432 ranges is [7.404435]Hz
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813312153357110]: 2453 ranges is [7.341020]Hz
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813312292580110]: 2505 ranges is [7.188571]Hz
[YDLidar]: Scan received[1545813312434769110]: 2527 ranges is [7.125962]Hz
data structure:
struct node_info {
uint8_t sync_flag;
uint16_t sync_quality;//!信号质量
uint16_t angle_q6_checkbit; //!测距点角度
uint16_t distance_q2; //! 当前测距点距离
uint64_t stamp; //! 时间戳
uint8_t scan_frequence;//! 特定版本此值才有效,无效值是0, 当前扫描频率current_frequence = scan_frequence/10.0
} __attribute__((packed)) ;
if(data[i].scan_frequence != 0) {
current_frequence = data[i].scan_frequence/10.0;
current_time_stamp = data[i].stamp;
current_distance = (float)data[i].distance_q2/2000.f;
current_angle = ((data[i].angle_q6_checkbit>>LIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_ANGLE_SHIFT)/64.0f);
current_intensity = (float)(data[i].sync_quality >> LIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_QUALITY_SHIFT);
###note:current_frequence = data[0].scan_frequence/10.0.
###if the current_frequence value equals zero, it is an invalid value.
void ParseScan(node_info* data, const size_t& size) {
double current_frequence, current_distance, current_angle, current_intensity;
uint64_t current_time_stamp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
if( data[i].scan_frequence != 0) {
current_frequence = data[i].scan_frequence;//or current_frequence = data[0].scan_frequence
current_distance = (float)data[i].distance_q2/2000.f;
current_angle = ((data[i].angle_q6_checkbit>>LIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_ANGLE_SHIFT)/64.0f);//LIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_ANGLE_SHIFT equals 8
current_intensity = (float)(data[i].sync_quality >> LIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_QUALITY_SHIFT);
if (current_frequence != 0 ) {
printf("current lidar scan frequency: %f\n", current_frequence);
} else {
printf("Current lidar does not support return scan frequency\n");
2019-11-27 version:1.4.2
1.define USE_LOCK_FILE macros
2.use steady time for wait.
2019-05-10 version:1.4.1
1.optimize timestamp.
2018-12-3 version:1.3.9
1.Optimized interface.
2.Getting Radar Port Lists.
2018-05-23 version:1.3.4
1.add automatic reconnection if there is an exception
2.add serial file lock.
2018-05-14 version:1.3.3
1.add the heart function constraint.
2.add packet type with scan frequency support.
2018-04-16 version:1.3.2
1.add multithreading support.
2018-04-16 version:1.3.1
1.Compensate for each laser point timestamp.