This repository provides a simple demo for the NFCF model to debias career recommendations on the MovieLens data.
- Python
- PyTorch
The code is tested on windows and linux operating systems. It should work on any other platform.
- Pre-processed MovieLens dataset is provided in "train-test" folder. The dataset contains interactions of users with movies and occupations.
- Baseline model: To fine tune NCF model without any fairness interventions, run the code using "" file. Training NFCF model:
- Step-1 (pre-training): Run the code using "" file. The pre-trained NCF model will be saved in "trained-models" folder.\
- Step-2 (de-biasing embeddings): Run the code using "" file. The de-biased user embeddings will be saved in "results" folder.\
- Step-3 (fine-tuning): Run the code using "" file. The model will be fine-tuned with necessary fairness interventions. Evaluation results on the test set will be saved in the "results" folder.
- Rashidul Islam (email: [email protected])