I'm a full-stack developer - FINALLY!! ✨✨
I started my journey with plain old HTML and CSS, grew be learning JavaScript and jQuery, graduated with React and Next. Front-end web development calls to my passions, it combines creativity and problem solving and I'm allowed to break the code in order to improve it (in a separate Git branch, of course)
I've now begun my journey in the backend. I am constantly learning new things thanks to my love of OpenSource and the community.
Complete beginner's guide on the useState Hooks 🕛>🦸♀️
When I first started using React, I had a lot of questions and looked up countless articles, videos, and other resources.
It took a while to grasp the basic concepts - what, why, when, and how to use the Hooks. With the knowledge I've gained over the years, I'm starting an article series on React Hooks. Here is my first blog post on the React useState Hook - covers all fundamental concepts, examples, and use cases.
A more advanced guide to the useState Hooks 🕕>🦸♀
My second blog post on the React useState Hook
Presents advanced topics, rules to follow, and mistakes to avoid using this Hook.