This is a portfolio web where I show several projects I have developed as a Software Engineer. It connects with an independent back-end made in Express, which connects with Github GraphQL API to fetch some selected projects directly from its server.
I distinguish two different motivations I had to develop this website.
The first reason why I was motivated to make this website was to expose my work to others - as well as future interviewers-, given that I have several projects unfinished which I can't show because they aren't public. As many people say, something does not exists if it can't be seen.
The second reason is that I was willing to learn more in depth about ReactJS library. At the same time this README was written, I had the oportunity to improve a website I made previously with Blade templates on a Laravel Project. Before I developed deeply the other project, I had to practice more with ReactJS to make a quality website aftwerwards. Also, I wanted to use GraphQL as I had been documenting myself for various weeks about this technology. Therefore, this project seemed like a great idea to start with.
As I mentioned in the motivation section, one of the reasons to develop the website was to learn how to use ReactJS and GraphQL; so spoiler: I did.
Moreover, I also learned how to implement Redux pattern in Javascript, as for now I had implemented Redux pattern only with Dart language.
Lastly, one problem I faced during the first stages of development of the website was to learn Typescript before familiarizing with Javascript, as I had a lot of trouble with its syntax. Now that I am more used to coding with Javascript, I feel more confident to use Typescript for my next project.
Below I mention several tools I used to develop this website: