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/ svelte-starter Public template

Starter template for creating data visualizations with Svelte


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This template serves as a starting point to create data visualizations with Svelte. It is built on top of SvelteKit.


  • Static builds that can be hosted on a static file server
  • Loads data from Google sheets
  • Fetches structured data from ArchieML-formatted Google docs
  • Easy deployment to rbb's Google Cloud Storage
  • Pre-generated iframe snippet to embed page into a foreign website with a resizer script supported by default
  • Style Dictionary as a single source of truth for design tokens
  • Component library, documented via Histoire at

Get started

To create a new project, click the Use this template button above. You can then clone into your new project by running

git clone{project-name}.git

where {project-name} is the name of the repo you created.

Install the app and start the development server:

cd {project-name}
npm install
npm run dev

Your app is then available at http://localhost:5173/. Edit src/routes/+page.svelte to see changes.


SvelteKit requires node>=16.14. If you get an error message on npm install that an "engine is unsupported", update your node version and try again.

Alternatively, do it the old school way

If you don't want to automatically link a GitHub repo, you can instead run

npx degit rbb-data/svelte-starter {project-name}

and obtain a local copy of the repo.

Then, run the setup script manually:

cd {project-name}

Connect to external resources

Connect to Google doc

  • Create a Google doc
  • Grant read access to [email protected]
  • Grab the doc's id from its url and set GOOGLE_DOC_ID in .env
  • Add credentials by setting GOOGLE_CONNECT_KEY in .env.local (see Environment variables)
  • Run npm run update:gdoc (will parse Google doc content as ArchieML and write structured data to src/data/google-doc.json)
  • Import data from src/data/google-doc.json

By default, some formatting is preserved when loading the doc, including: bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript and links. Anything else is stripped ("sanitized") for security reasons.

Connect to Google sheet

  • Create a Google sheet
  • Grant read access to [email protected]
  • Grab the sheet's id from its url and set GOOGLE_SHEET_ID in .env
  • Add credentials by setting GOOGLE_CONNECT_KEY in .env.local (see Environment variables)
  • Run npm run update:gsheet (will parse the spreadsheet and write to src/data/google-sheets/{sheet-name}.csv, one file is generated for every sheet in the given spreadsheet)
  • Import data from src/data/google-sheets/{sheet-name}.csv

Build and deploy

Run npm run deploy to deploy to{project-creation-date}-{project-name}/index.html

Using GitHub actions

This GitHub action deploys the app to the Google Cloud Storage. Clicking on "Run workflow" will trigger the action. By default, the app is deployed to a test page,{project-creation-date}-{project-name}-experimenal/index.html (note the -experimental suffix). If you're sure what you're doing, tick "Deploy for production (DANGER)" to deploy to{project-creation-date}-{project-name}/index.html instead.


The credentials necessary for deploying to the cloud are stored as organization secrets that can only be accessed by public repositories. If your repository is private, make sure to add the necessary secrets on the repository level. You'll find the secrets in our wiki.

Directory structure

├── data
├── lib
│   ├── actions  -- Svelte actions, see
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── icons  -- list of icons as Svelte components
│   │   ├── layercake  -- low-level building blocks for LayerCake charts, see
│   │   └── shared  -- component library, see
│   └── stores  -- Svelte stores, see
├── routes  -- pages, directories map to urls
│   └── examples  -- example charts
└── style  -- global css and scss files

Environment variables

Environment variables are handled by Vite, the behind-the-scenes frontend tooling that powers SvelteKit. See Vite's documentation for more information on how Vite treats environment variables. Environment variables prefixed with VITE_ are exposed to client-side code.

Environment variable Description Default File Sensitive?
PROJECT_CREATION_DATE Year and month of project creation (YYYY-MM) {project-creation-date} .env no
PROJECT_NAME Project name {project-name} .env no
BASE_PATH Specifies where the app is served from /rbb-data-static/{project-creation-date}-{project-name} .env no
BUILD_DIR The directory to write prerendered pages to build .env no
GOOGLE_CONNECT_EMAIL Email address to share Google doc/sheet with [email protected] .env no
GOOGLE_DOC_ID Id of the connected Google doc 1wCovwTGxPsPM-ED-D7hCaL5sMUFBy1A8OadVUCDtQ3A .env no
GOOGLE_SHEET_ID Id of the connected Google sheet 1RPOs51w4kJsvuNg1eT0foVgLau_iI7hmJ-EOGQqBC04 .env no
GOOGLE_CONNECT_KEY Private key to access Google docs and sheets .env.local yes

Variables in .env are public and loaded in all cases. Sensitive variables should live in a .env.local file that is ignored by git. For convenience, .env.local.example is an empty template file; simply add the keys and move to .env.local.

Secrets and private keys are not stored in version control but you'll find them in our wiki.


npm run dev

Starts the development server. Your app is then available at http://localhost:5173/.

npm run build

Builds the app as a collection of static files into ./build. Base path and build directory are both read as environment variables from .env. The generated build can be deployed to rbb's Google Cloud Storage.

npm run deploy

Builds the app for production and uploads the files to the Google Cloud Storage rbb-data-static. You'll need Google Cloud's command line tools gcloud and gsutil installed and configured (for installation instructions, see

The deployed file will be available at{project-creation-date}-{project-name}/index.html.

npm run deploy--experimental

Same as npm run deploy but deploys to{project-creation-date}-{project-name}-experimental/index.html (note the -experimental suffix).

npm run update:gdoc

Reads the connected Google doc and writes to src/data/google-doc.json, see Connect to Google doc.

npm run update:gsheet

Reads the connected Google sheet and writes to src/data/google-sheets/*.csv, see Connect to Google sheet.

npm run update:tokens

Builds design tokens into CSS, SCSS and javascript files, see Design tokens.

npm run update:data

Updates data sources.

npm run sync-tokens

Sync design tokens with colors defined in the rbb|24 style guide on Figma.

  • Go to the style guide
  • Export design tokens (Main menu -> Plugins -> Design Tokens -> Export Design Token File)
  • Drag the exported file from your Downloads folder to style-dictionary/figma-export.json
  • Run npm run sync-tokens

npm run docs:dev

Starts the development server for the documentation site. The site is then available at http://localhost:6006/.

npm run docs:build

Build the documentation site into ./histoire/dist for production.

npm run docs:deploy

Build and deploys the documentation site to GitHub pages at

npm run lint

Runs prettier and eslint (only checks, doesn't write).

npm run format

Formats files using prettier.

npm run check

Type-checks the project.

npm run check:watch

Type-checks the project continuously.

Embed as iframe

iframe.html contains a snippet for you to copy-paste into your article. Make sure to give the iframe an appropriate title.

A custom iframe resizer script is supported by default that works on the web and in the rbb|24 app. If app support is not needed, use David J. Bradshaw's resizer script instead. If you don't need any resizing, simply remove the corresponding script tags in iframe.html and src/app.html.

Design tokens

Design tokens are defined in style-dictionary/tokens.json. npm run update:tokens builds CSS, SCSS files into src/style and a javascript file into src/lib (powered by Style Dictionary). npm run sync-tokens syncs tokens with design tokens exported from the rbb|24 style guide on Figma.