An IUDX compliant IoT middleware for smart cities
Clone the repository:
git clone cd corinthian git submodule init git submodule update
Install the required dependencies (Host OS must be Ubuntu):
If the host OS is not Ubuntu then install the following dependencies manually
- docker
- docker-compose
Also install the following dependencies if the tests need to be run
- requests
- urllib3
- pika
Start the installation:
Test the middleware using:
./test-suite/test functional --random
By default the admin related APIs are allowed from any host. To restrict access of admin APIs through localhost only: unset the "ALLOW_ADMIN_APIS_FROM_OTHER_HOSTS" environment variable (in the docker/.env file).
- Registration
- Share/Follow
All APIs are based on the following format: /<caller of the API>/<action>
- /admin/register-owner
- /owner/register-entity
- /entity/publish
- /entity/subscribe
- /owner/follow
- /owner/follow-status