This is a really simple matrix chat client. Just for simple use but also to mess-a-round with matrix. You can drop into the python intrepeter in the middle of a chat and poke around with matrix-sdk :)
left / right | switch joined rooms
pgup / pgdwn | scrolling
/code gets you to python intrepeter
/listrooms hmm
Install dependencies olm library
git clone
cd olm
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip build-essential libffi-dev
pip3 install -e 'git+[e2e]' --process-dependency-links
if it throws segmentation fault do this:
you need to have older pip (dependency-links is not supported in new pip), something like pip 18.1 works, if you have newer you need to do
sudo pip3 install pip==18.1
git clone
I also had to do this after I built olm and olm-python
sudo ldconfig