Ppnc is a collection of python scripts that have been used to extract pp fields to cf-netCDF for submission to the CCMI archive.
The code makes extensive use of Iris:
The following python modules are used:
- iris
- numpy
F2PY is used to create the pressureconv modules
f2py -c -m pressureconv pressureconv.f90
These scripts are provided in the hope that someone will find them useful. Due to time restrictions, support for using these scripts is not available.
For usage run:
python ppnc.py --help
python ppnc_cella.py --help
Edit some of the files under config to fit your particular use case.
- config/global_attrs.py # defines some of the metadata that is written
- config/req_data.py # defines your stashes, conversion factors and units
- config/tweakables.py # defines your fillvalue and pressure levels
An example invocation of ppnc is as follows:
python ppnc.py -j $JID # Model JobID \
-t "203001-203912" # Temporal Subset \
-p /path/to/output/files \
-s $STASH # STASH to restrict to \
--pgrid THETA # Pressure Grid \
-f /path/to/pp/files/*.pp # pp files to use
An example invocation of ppnc_cella is as follows:
python ppnc_cella.py -j $JID # Model JobID \
-a /path/to/model/orography # often called qrparm.orog \
-l /path/to/model/land-fraction_file # often called qrparm.fracmask \
-p /path/to/output/files \
-f /path/to/pp/files/${JID}a.pm${C}${N}${mon}.pp # Optional single pp-file to use if calculating grid-cell volume
Note that for ppnc_cella.py, a .pp file containing a single time-point should be used if the gridcell volume is required. This file should contain air potential temperature (theta: m01s00i004). This script writes out areacella, orog, sftlf, and "volcella" (if -f is specified) files.
The submit_scripts folder contains some example bash scripts to create and submit jobs on a system running LSF.
This file is part of ppnc.
ppnc Copyright (C) 2015 University of Cambridge
Ppnc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Ppnc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with ppnc. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.