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Spiegel Crawler

A python scrapy based crawler that scrapes through the international section of spiegel and drops the result in a mongodb database.


Quick Start

  • open a terminal and clone this repository
git clone 
  • open the repository directory.
cd spiegel-crawler
  • run docker-compose in detached mode
docker-compose up --build -d  
  • to continuously read the logs, type into your terminal in your repository directory[Optional]
docker-compose logs -f
  • to stop the crawler, type into your terminal in your repository directory
docker-compose down


The script uses the scrapy library to crawl through the spiegel international section.

Python Modules

The most important modules are

  • : This module houses the crawler logic for extracting info from the website.

  • : This module has a few pipelines that process the extracted information from the crawler.

    • ArticleValidationPipeline Runs basic validation on datatypes and lengths resulting from extraction.
    • ArticleFormatPipeline Mostly strips data points from all leading and trailing white spaces.
    • ArticleMongoDBPipeline This houses the logic that runs the duplicate check and either inserts a new document or updates one in the database.

Docker Containers

There are 2 containers in the system

  • spiegel_crawler container: Run the cron process that schedules the crawler script to run

    • Once on script initialization for the purpose of testing.
    • Once every 15 minutes. speficially on the 0th, 15th, 30th, and 45th minute of each hour.
  • mongo container: Runs the mongodb database engine and listens for connections on port 27017

Crawl Result Set

There are a few ways to access the crawl result set, the fastest of which is as follows.

  • Make sure the crawler is still running by inspecting the result of
docker container ls

In case you find a container with the name mongo similar to the following example output, then the crawler is still running.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                           NAMES
98bb44c05822   spiegel_crawler_crawler   "./"        32 minutes ago   Up 32 minutes                                                   spiegel-crawler
65d71518b49a   mongo                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   32 minutes ago   Up 32 minutes>27017/tcp, :::27017->27017/tcp   mongo
  • Open the mongo shell
docker exec -it mongo mongo -u root -p root
  • Switch to the crawler database
use crawler
  • Return the crawler result set
  • A limited sample of the result set will be returned. As instructed you can type it for more documents.

  • You can filter your query result by following the mongodb find api docs. e.g. to return all documents that contain the word Free in their abstract.

db.crawler.find({abstract: {$regex: "Free"}})
  • Once done type exit to leave the mongo shell.


The instructions above assume the default configuration in env.default has not been modified. In case of modification, you will have to change your commands accordingly.


The repository uses an env.default file that houses the default configuration for the respository for quick startup. The following variables can be changed or added in .env.default file to make them customizable

  • MONGO_URI : used by the crawler to connect to the correct database. The database connection string format follows the standard mongodb format.

  • MONGO_DB : used by the crawler to configure the name of the database the crawler uses to dump the crawl run result. The default name is crawler.

  • MONGO_COL : used by the crawler to configure the name of the collection the crawler uses to dump the crawl run result inside the database specified by MONGO_DB. The default collection name is crawler.

  • MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME : used by the mongo image to configure the mongodb root username.

  • MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD : used by the mongo image to configure the mongodb root password.

  • For more info on environment customization for mongo image, check here


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