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ON 2/5/16, please give accounts for what you have accomplished towards your personal assignments for the week.
Adarsh: I got some information on the lightest metal in the world, and realized that we needed more to compare the data. For next week I am going to show the code to my CS101 professor to help up read python and I am going to look up properties of materials
Chris: I downloaded the DVM file to my desktop and laptop and complied the file in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. I found out that most of the header files were in .hpp (C++ language code), while the source code files were in .c (C language code). I also found out that they are using a special namespace library (namespace anu_am::diamorse). I am going to e-mail the developers of the software to figure out what is inside of this library. I'm also still trying to figure out what each of the difference score codes do and how they connect to each other.
Sophie: I got some information about conductivity and resistivity (intrinsic property of a specific material), like definitions, factors which will affect conductivity, and some related formulas. I've approached from Ohm's law and Pouillet's law to determine what we want for high-conductivity materials are those ones with low Resistance, but the assumptions were made under ideal condition (constant voltage, ideal temperature, etc), so we need more information to make materials work in realistic conditions.
Tyler: We've decided on the usage of Github Desktop for GUI access to the github. That way we have a point of access while still learning the Linux Command-Line. I will also be helping Sophie going forward to advance the conductivity research and find what we can actually measure using the code. Chris and I will be splitting up the code and going through it this weekend and communicating what we understand.
2/12/16 Issue: testing the code on data, comparing results to an experiment someone else already ran.
Idea: find a type of data that will require minimal changes to their code to test-what properties of metals are reflected in images, so we can use an image-based approach to this anaylsis.
In the meantime, try running their code on the same type of data/same data.
Chris+Sophie-ask for data they used in the paper and try running the code on the same data, Make it clear in the email you've read the paper and want to know exactly what datasets they got from the online databases (shows you've put in effort). Meet Tuesday at 4:30 in Grainger. Message Nima and talk about how things went. Play with the code. Try writing similar things, small functions together. It is better to understand 4 lines of code perfectly than 90 lines vaguely. The speed comes with practice.
Sophie-upload all the aweseome documents that you already wrote to github!
Tyler+Adarsh-meet Monday at 8:45, work on: link to online databases, begin communicating with people about accessing their data. Find databases and images. Work on reading the python portion of the code, try to write simple functions that do similar things. Meet with Dr. davidson 3 pm Thursday 165 AH. Bring all your questions about why you can't read or reproduce similar examples to their code to Dr. D.
Adarsh: put the link about hardness data sets/properties on this github Wiki.
The two problems we are experiencing this week is getting the boost library sorted out and the amuNameSpace library deciphered. We found the online distribution of Boost and Tyler currently has it download however, the code still has not been complied correctly.
Our idea going forward is to attempt to figure out the boost library and then once the only errors are from the NameSpace library we can determine which functions are not correctly being utilized and see if UIUC/Dr.Davidson have knowledge on possibly gathering these functions into a NameSpace library of our own assuming AMU does not respond with it. We are planning on meeting this week to go over our findings and continue getting the code running on all of the group's computers.
Database Links:
EM Data Base: http://www.emdatabank.org/search.html Biological Database: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/emdb/ EM Navigator: http://pdbj.org/emnavi/