Homework 2 of the course Video Communication (2018 Spring).
The source code is under the src/
directory, You can do
$ make build
in terminal to compile the repository.
The compiled executable is placed at bin/hw2
. If you want to apply cross searching algorithm on the video data/Foreman.CIF
, just do
$ bin/hw2 data/Foreman.CIF -f CIF -s cross
flag specifies the video format, which can be eitherCIF
flag specifies the motion vector searching algorithm. Supported algorithms for now are:three_step
The command above outputs the PSNR values of each frame, compared to its previous one.
It uses Gnuplot to generate the charts from the outputed logs. You can do
$ sudo apt install gnuplot5-x11
to install this dependency first.
Some scripts in doc/plot
can automatically generate charts and logs for each test video and searching algorithm:
# Choose one of the shell scripts to perform
$ bash doc/plot/plot.bash directory/to/test/videos/
$ fish doc/plot/plot.fish directory/to/test/videos/
The second one needed fish the shell to be installed.
The generated logs and charts are put in doc/plot/log
and doc/plot/png
respectively. Here are the expected charts that generated.
Noted that the greyout area indicates no searching algorithms have applied; that is, all the motion vectors are assumed to be (0, 0). All the searching algorithms are expected to have superior results than merely do nothing.