Static multi-level menus for your Django-website.
- Django 2.2.*
- Python 3.5
- Django-classy-tags 0.9.0
Install package
pip install git+git://
Configure your setting file. For example we create new menu with name "header_menu":
INSTALLED_APPS += ['treemenus'] TREEMENUS_NAMES = { 'header_menu': 'Header menu', }
- dictionary where each record: menu-key and easy to read menu name -
Call the menu in the html template according TREEMENUS_NAMES settings
{% load treemenus_tags %} ... {% show_menu 'header_menu' %}
Apply migrations and run local server
python migrate treemenus python runserver
Create "header_menu" structure in admin interface
To customize any menu template, stick to the following template structure:
- templates/
- treemenus/
- header_menu/
- menu.html
- menu_item.html
- menu.html
- menu_item.html
- header_menu/
- treemenus/
For example, when the "header_menu" is rendered, the following priority applies:
- <PROJECT_ROOT>/templates/treemenus/header_menu/menu.html
- <PROJECT_ROOT>/templates/treemenus/menu.html
- treemenus/templates/treemenus/menu.html # default template from app
Templatetag {% show_menu 'header_menu' %}
render cached menu data with template menu.html
{% load treemenus_tags %}
{% for item in menu.root_item.children %}
{% show_menu_item item %}
{% endfor %}
{% show_menu_item item %}
render menu item with template menu_item.html
. Menu item represented as dictionary with following keys:
- show, has_children - boolean;
- caption, add_caption, url - menuItem text and url;
- image - url to image (optional);
- level, rank - menuItem tree position;
- children - list of cheildren menuItems(default: empty).
{% load treemenus_tags %}
<a href="{{ item.url }}">
{{ item.caption }}
<img src="{{ item.image }}" alt="{{ item.caption }}" title="{{ item.caption }}">
{% if item.has_children %}
{% for child in item.children %}
{% show_menu_item child %} # render next level menu item
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Context variables are available in the template, for example like this:
{% load treemenus_tags %}
<!-- desktop menu-->
{% show_menu 'header_menu' %}
<!-- mobile menu -->
{% with type='mobile' %}
{% show_menu 'header_menu' %}
{% endwith %}
{% load treemenus_tags %}
{% if type == 'mobile' %}
<nav class='menu__mobile'> ... </nav>
{% else %}
<nav class='menu__desktop'> ... </nav>
{% endif %}